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(disclaimer: this is descriptive but not like

(disclaimer: this is descriptive but not like in a sexual way) So it started off with her and I laying down right and we were at my house but it was a completely different house than my actual house and I was on my laptop and the mouse wouldn't work and she was laying right beside me and I tried to get it to work but it wouldn't and I got frustrated and she was on her phone but saw me and realized I was frustrated then I looked at her and I put the mouse down and I put my right hand on her the outside of her inner thigh and I remember us looking at each other and then it all faded then next thing I knew, we were at school but Zoe didnt pop up in this part of the dream, it was just me walking around the school and the school looked super modern and futuristic it was cool. but anyways, I start off in the cafeteria and I get up and walk up the stairs and I had Jan but everything was tilted like shifted to the right, horizontal and such it was trippy, so I go to the stairs and walk up to meet up with Julianne(whom I actually have Geometry with) so we meet and she's with Cory and Julianne says that Jan needed a stupid pass and is really passive aggressive about it, and ranting about Jan, but I however, don't say anything, but laugh and we all walk down the hallway together, to where you may ask? I have no clue but we all walk away side by side and everything fades to black again. After everything fades black, and I guess a new part of the dream is awakened, so do I. The black deceases and I woke up, back at my bed, wearing this nice grey t-shirt, with Zoe laying on my chest, trying to fall asleep. I look down at her and she is smiling at me as she runs her fingertips across my neck and pulls me closer to her. She runs her hands over my face, over my lips, we kiss, she lays back down, continuing her motions with her fingertips across my neck and my chest and it fades to black yet again. The black clears and I am back at the futuristicly modern school sitting in the cafeteria talk with you, Shania and 2 other people whos faces I couldn't make out. We are sitting there, you guys are talking but everything in my head goes silent and all I think about is Zoe as throughout the entire dream there is this narration of my voice talking about how beautiful she is, how much I loved her, how much she meant to me, etc etc and this rings out the entire dream whenever I or other people in the dream are not speaking except for in this case when the people around me are. I record the words that I hear in my head eluding whatever it is you guys are saying, going practically deaf to the conversation you guys are having and I get up, with the notes in my phone open, the date reading "February 23, 2016, and I get up and walk away and all I can hear is the sound of my own voice narrating my passion for her. As I am about to walk out of the cafeteria, I am abstractly scorned by Ms. McKinney, our 7th grade math teacher, but I do not hear a single word she has said as she goes on and on, all I can think about is the words in my notes and of course, Zoe. Once the scolding is done, the narration pauses for me to say "Okay" but quickly resumes after my speech and I shuffle around Ms. McKinney and continue walking out of the cafeteria doors happy as can be. It fades to black and I wake up but refuse to move in order to retain the details of the dream and here we are now. One of the craziest parts by far was that I felt everything. Every little thing in the dream I actually felt. I remember clearly, pretty much it all: me touching Zoe's thigh and the texture of her jeans, how the phone felt in my hands, when she touched me and was caressing me as I felt asleep, I remember it all, even how she looked at me, it all felt real

This guy, whom I barely know but

This guy, whom I barely know but really like a lot, french-kissed me, and he had something in his mouth, which he transported into my mouth during the kiss. And when I felt it in my mouth, I asked him: "what is that?", and he said it was speed (the drug).. Then I tried to spit as much of it out of my mouth as possible, and said that I have never done drugs in my life, and that I take some medication, which might have some serious consequences if mixed with drugs, and the guy's friend apologized to me and got kinda frightened, and then he locked me up in a room in the apartment where they all stayed, and I got really sad and tired and depressed, and the guy whom I really care for, didn't seem to care about me at all or about what just happened.. I don't think the drug has affected me much, I've probably spit the most of it out, but I did get a really depressed look on my face, and it seemed like the guy I care for even got disgusted by the sight of me... Can this dream be signifying what's really going on in my life? What I mean is: I really like this guy, whom I feel soulmate connection with, and who seems to be really attracted to me and like me too, but it's like he tries to ignore it and acts like he doesn't really care for me, which is very confusing and upsetting because I would really love to get to know him better.. So maybe this dream is telling me to forget about this guy, and if I'll trust him he's going to hurt me? Or can it actually mean something else or predict something?

In my dream I was being set

In my dream I was being set up with someone and when we met it turned out to be my ex and he wanted me back. We were very close during our relationship and he wanted to rekindle that and have me trust him again

I was in a barn I have

I was in a barn I have never seen before. There were haystacks, ropes, pitchforks, and other farm-tending equipment. As I looked around, I noticed stairs leading to a dark hall. It seemed I had nowhere else to go, so I decided that the creepy stairs was the right path to take. It was a narrow balcony that lined the inside of the barn. Nothing special was up there. Suddenly, I heard a rustling in the haystacks. I looked down and saw a beastly looking shadow. The shadow was becoming smaller and smaller then finally, a huge orange monster popped out under the balcony. I began running towards the huge barn doors and the monster chased me, following my every step. I thought I was going to die and my heart began pounding out of my chest. Then, I finally woke up.

I wake up in my old house

I wake up in my old house in my younger body but my mind is the way that it currently is. Everyone sees me the way I was when I was younger though. I go downstairs and my teeth start falling out, almost as if they were rotting. I tell my mom and others but they don't seem to care and I just get really frustrated.

I had a dream that my best

I had a dream that my best friend died at a festival. I left him to go to the toilet and I came back to a crowd of people around him saying he overdosed on drugs. Which I knew for a fact was bullshit cause he is so anti drugs. I ran to him and had him in my arms crying while the police and ambulance came. Once they got there they took him away and before I let him go I grabbed his car keys and ran to the car park I rang my dad and told him what happened and that I was taking his car home cause that's where he would want it to be and that I had to tell his parents as well.when I got to the car park I couldn't find his car and a random Asian lady came up to me saying that someone is present and is attached to you she asked if someone just passed and I started crying and told her it was Jesse. She the started calling his name out loud and next thinking I knew standing in front of me was Jesse wearing a green power ranger mask on it wasn't until he took the mask of I knew for sure it was him. I started crying even more and asked him what happen he then told me never to trust anyone on drugs as some random guy one punched him and he died one the floor. I then asked him where his car was and he took me there when I looked around for the Asian lady she was gone and then I got in the cars and he sat next me to and we both drove back to his house and then I woke up.

In the beginning the dreamer’s ex-boyfriend Andy

In the beginning the dreamer’s ex-boyfriend Andy and the dreamer were talking and having a friendly conversation on a dark green low deck that was even with the ground and attached to the house. The deck belonged to his father. In real life the deck on his father’s, Earls, house is actually 20 feet off the ground. It was winter time during the daylight. The leaves were fallen off the trees and the dreamer and Andy were wearing coats. His dad comes out of the door onto the porch. Then a dark haired man walks over from the driveway who must have known us because he said “We’ve got trouble coming now.” A very trusting friend of Earl’s who in real life has just married and moved away comes running towards him, screaming and crying. Next another male, her husband in real life comes up suddenly screaming “I know she loves you!” The commotion distracts the dreamer and next thing she knows Andy is throwing a punch at the husband to defend his father. Earl, the husband and Andy are all fighting in a pile on the porch and the dreamer is trying to stop them by screaming at them. The dream ends here.

I dreamt that I was back in

I dreamt that I was back in school, in a math class, and I didn't understand anything. Everyone else knew what they were doing but I had no idea, and was very frustrated. I eventually gave up and laid my head down.