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I was at a fair and was

I was at a fair and was performing ( recited a poem) in front of a crowd. Everyone was applauding.

I am a ghost and im on

I am a ghost and im on a wooden ship made of all dark wood then i apear on the shore next to the ship but i never see the accual ship from the outside, then i see a large man with all dark clothes on, the caption of the ship i assume. he is floating on an inch of water with some others and there is absolutly no ripples or anything, for as far as i can see on the clean rockey ocean. then he and i are on the shore and he places six small bricks on the sand forming a rectangle. then he tells me to sit, but i refuse and say anything is to heavy isnt it? he says yes because he taught others and himself to float on top of a very small amout of water and not sink. then i walk away and i apear in a house that look over the beach but when im in the house i cant see the ship or aything but as soon as im out i can see the ship and other ghosts. But then a family walkes into the house and with a boy and they are telling him that baby pictures of me are accually him and that he doesnt have a sister. then i grab a brush and start banging at the glass trying to show them that im there and the glass breakes but the act as if nothing is happening. then i am crying and yelling at them telling them im there but they dont see me and im crying and asking why, why would you tell him i never existed thats not Micky that me dont you understand. its not my real life family its just my family in my dream. then im out of the house and dark wood is all i can see as i wake up.

I am dead and a ghost and

I am dead and a ghost and im on a wooden ship made of all dark wood then i apear on the shore next to the ship but i never see the accual ship from the outside, then i see a large man with all dark clothes on, the caption of the ship i assume. he is floating on an inch of water with some others and there is absolutly no ripples or anything, for as far as i can see on the clean rockey ocean. then he and i are on the shore and he places six small bricks on the sand forming a rectangle. then he tells me to sit, but i refuse and say anything is to heavy isnt it? he says yes because he taught others and himself to float on top of a very small amout of water and not sink. then i walk away and i apear in a house that look over the beach but when im in the house i cant see the ship or aything but as soon as im out i can see the ship and other ghosts. But then a family walkes into the house and with a boy and they are telling him that baby pictures of me are accually him and that he doesnt have a sister. then i grab a brush and start banging at the glass trying to show them that im there and the glass breakes but the act as if nothing is happening. then i am crying and yelling at them telling them im there but they dont see me and im crying and asking why, why would you tell him i never existed thats not Micky that me dont you understand. its not my real life family its just my family in my dream. then im out of the house and dark wood is all i can see as i wake up.

My friend is performing a trick in

My friend is performing a trick in my apartment. It scares me and i try to escape. My legs are stuck moving slowly. My best friend is the room with my male friend.