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I'm sleeping and something or someone is

I'm sleeping and something or someone is trying to attack me in my sleep I'm trying to wake up but my eyes want open with a heavy weight on me and I can't move and when I wake up out of my sleep coughing and choking my heart pounding. It seems so real.

The first part of my re occurring

The first part of my re occurring dream changes however there are elements that are exactly the same, the dream i had about 45 minutes ago..... The first part is a little hazy, i think i was on holiday in Spain and recognized a few familiar faces however the dream was set in a place ive been on holiday to many times so did not strike me as odd. The next thing i know im working ( plumbing ) in spain working for a Lady who was forcing me to work for next to nothing and would not let me escape, i even remember having to sign a contract which i refused and her ( its? ) guards pinned me down and were a little abusive ( not sexually ) im talking a knee in the back kinda deal. I recall seeing several friends all trying to escape ... nothing really odd about that, one said he had to do jail time in spain ( this is all happening on the work site ) and another tried to escape, gave it legs and that was the last i saw of him.. none of this i can recall having dreamt about before. However there was a room on the building site ( in spain still ) of which i could look out a window. I could see a Massive and highly scenic mountain ( i have seen this before in my dreams exactly to every last detail the only reason i remember it is because it was so beautiful) every time i tried to take a picture of it my camera would mess up... i can only describe it again as a huge mountain with intricate buildings ( old world )in the middel with grassy knowls, and near the top there as a point that when the sun hit it looked majestic. I have dreamt of this place MANY times before, yet never walked up the mountain. Around the area there was also some very mind blowing scenery wich i could not get enough of, once again i was trying to take pictures of it for some reason very grassy hills set on a mountain side going on for miles, i have also dreamt of this every time i dream of the spire ) The next thing i know in my dream thunder and lightning breaks out with heavy rain and its night time.... Its odd because every time i dream of the majestic scenery it is the same to the exact detail. ( i have never been any where like this in my life ) I also recall my mum working for the Mean women as well, i was worried but in the dream, no harm cam to her and she seemed to be doing alright. None of this scared me/worried me. Im just so confused as to why i keep seeing this AWESOME scenery and this majestic mountain with the village in the middle and the sun kissed top. ( the village looked some what oriental )

I wake up hearing a loud howl

I wake up hearing a loud howl outside. I tell my mom so we get up and close the windows and doors then just as we are going to bed I appear to be outside. I see the wolf and try to run awayand he turns out to be ssomeone familiar and as I climb the steps to my home I fell my feet getting heavy as my mother tries to pull me in then I get eaten by the wolf.

I was walking downtown and was stopped

I was walking downtown and was stopped by what looked to be a Arabian or Iraqi man who was trying to direct me across the busy intersection. As I looked past the man, I saw another Iraqi/Arabian man pull out a medium machine gun and began to shoot at all the pedestrians. I dropped down on the pavement to protect myself but was shot in the back of the head once, and then repeatedly in the back. I felt these shots but remained alive in my dream until I awoke in heavy tears and cold sweats. I knew where I was when I was shot (intersections).

Me and my family stayed in a

Me and my family stayed in a house. I had a vision of someone who died there from pigs that attacked her. As we stay in the house, my aunt goes off by herself to make tea when I see she gets attacked and killed by wild boars as a vision. Later on, me and my parents visit the house again. My dad yells at my mum for spilling drinks, yelling not doing so could save someone's life. My mum didn't know my aunt died, so I explained to her whilst my dad winces. We find the door to the room she died, seeing her hand and a load of blood behind the door but we don't enter it. We then all go our separate ways, and I have a vision of a room with two doors and the door furthest away has this monster kid running towards it. I can tell this door is bad, and it's where all the monsters come from. This vision is also in black and white, and I know my parents are close to that room. Then, I'm being chased and running to the front door from some monster kid that is wearing a bag on it's head and is in black and white. For some reason, I think it's the person who died in the first vision. I manage to escape the attacker, but I see the attack through outside myself like a movie, and from my actual self where I'm looking through my eyes and can hear my heavy breathing.