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I had a dream about my friend

I had a dream about my friend and her parents. In my dream, my friend and her parents were trying to kill me. I was at my house with some guy (whose face I can’t remember) and he was helping me stay alive. My friend’s dad finds us and he has arthritis in his knees so he says “do you want me to kill you now or later?” We choose later, so we run out of my house. I lose the guy, so I hide in a car. While I’m hiding my friend sees that someone is in the car. She says, “it’s just dad” and then walks away. She then walks back and says, “wait… these feet are too small to be my dad’s!” She then tries to attack me so I ran to my neighbor’s house. My neighbor’s let me in and I feel safe until my friend and her mom break the window. They then proceed into the house and kill my neighbors. I ran out of the house and started running again and then I woke up.

I was about to ride my bicycle

I was about to ride my bicycle down a hill with my siblings, when some random mexican kid pushed my bike down the hill with my cat on it. It caused a crash, which ended up hurting my cat and making it run away. I got pissed at the kid and wanted to fight him. I had my brother who helped me fight the kid. my mother was telling me to calm down. I attacked the mexican kid. threw his clothes in the river.