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I dreamed I was in a car

I dreamed I was in a car with my dad and we were traveling towards Hickory, then it changed to me in band class on a boardwalk where a wave swept us all over and all the instruments were in a tornado underwater and then I rose above the water to see a friend of mine and we were kissing

I dreamed I was in a car

I dreamed I was in a car with my dad and we were traveling towards Hickory, then it changed to me in band class on a boardwalk where a wave swept us all over and all the instruments were in a tornado underwater

Hey, my name is George Newman! I`m

Hey, my name is George Newman! I`m a professional writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all Most of my works were sold throughout Canada, USA, Old England and even India. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their time. People ask me "Sir, George Newman, I need your professional help" and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can save their time! Academic Writer - Newman - TeachaBouttheBible Corps

Hi, my name is James Porter! I`m

Hi, my name is James Porter! I`m an academic writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all Most of my books were sold throughout Canada, USA, Old England and even Australia. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their nerves. People ask me "Hey, Porter, I need your professional help" and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can save their time! Professional Academic Writer - Porter - SoieBiologique Confederation

I was at school, classes changed I

I was at school, classes changed I was lost and went the wrong way into pods 4 and five instead of. 3. I was running to class but this black lady thought I was chasing children and yelled at me. Had to sneak back to class and finally got there in the corner sat this hot guy. Then we played dodge ball. I saw my rehire packet for my work and I had to reapply by January 27th. I was as splash and saw bre and we moved firetower next to a new y’all ride next to the roller coaster and had to jump in to practice with the others

So I was in this haunted museum

So I was in this haunted museum with my mom and sister I can't remember brother though. And my sister was I this the villain and my mom and I were trying to escape her. There was also a person at tge front desk. And in that museum a person died. So the settings changed and we were in the ocean swimming away from a tsunami. We reach an outside basketball court and the other side of it was Mexico even though in realitly it wasn't. I had 3 dork diary books for some reason. And we made it over the fence.

Hi, my name is John Mcclane! I`m

Hi, my name is John Mcclane! I`m a professional writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all Most of my poems were sold throughout Canada, USA, China and even India. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their nerves. People ask me "Mr, Mcclane, I need your professional help" and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can solve all their problems! Professional Academic Writer - Mcclane - ScacadSciences Corp

Oh my gosh in another part of

Oh my gosh in another part of my dream there was a drinks machine that served only water and milk but I couldn’t get it to just serve water. It would run milk when you first push the lever and then turn to water after a few seconds but if you accidentally let go of the lever and repush it, it goes back to milk so I kept getting a mix of milk and water which I didn’t want. So I changed the setting to a higher one for just milk bc if I’m gonna get milk might as well just get milk but it was going so fast that it was churning butter into my cup. So I never got a drink

Hey, my name is Sonia! I`m an

Hey, my name is Sonia! I`m an academic writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all Most of my books were sold throughout Canada, USA, China and even Australia. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their time. People ask me "Please, Sonia, I need your professional help" and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can save their time! Professional Writer - Sonia - Join Maths Flash Confederation

I dream I was cooking for a

I dream I was cooking for a group of people ( like a family gathering) in the country but there was no fire so I went to my grandfather house(my mother father) and there was fire to cook I notice there was no soup in the pot so I add more water just as the food about to cook my aunt give me some chicken noodle to put in the soul. Went back to check the pot and the bottom of the pot fell out put the food was still in the pot so I fixture the pot nod continue to cook. I then realised the bottom fell out again. My grandfather said to me you should have change the pot in the first place. I then pour the food in a bother pot to take to the rest of the family. My other grandfather ( my father dad who look like my father not sure if it was my father or is dad was there and I told him to come with me because my grand children are there and he haven't seen them before and I will take him back as he is trading in the morning. I was very disappointed about the soup but I think the group old still eat the food. But I though I couldn't have given the food to my grandchildren as I was not good enough and I awoke from the dream. ( my grandfathering my father side died 25.years age and my other grandfather died about 22 years ago)