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I was at work and noticed that

I was at work and noticed that I had a hair coming out of my palm on both my left and right hand. After looking at it for a while I started pulling it on both hands and the hair just kept coming out till it was about 10 cm long. Then from my index finger on both hands what i can only describe as a expendable antenna came out of the tips of my finer piercing through the skin. I started to panic and ran to what I thought was the doctors but somehow ended up home. I was with my parent's and Sister and when i tried to show them the Antenna looking thing ( Which by the way was pure white like it was made from bone) had retracted and I had small holes in the tips of my index fingers on both hands. I was examining the hole and held it up to the light and when I did so it looked ad if there were small tentacle looking things trying to reach for the light . When I moved it away from the light they would retract ever so slightly ( these were tiny and again white ) After this the skin on my hand slowly started to part and I was panicking but everyone around me was still and seemed as if what was happening to me was normal. As the skins fell away it exposed what should have been bones and muscle ect... but instead it was like my hands were made of small living white vines is what I would describe them as in the shape of a hand and hat the palm of where I made should have been was what looked like a white blossoming flower... again this appeared to be alive. After staring at my hands for a while what looked like skin started to regrow over the top of them but not in a normal skin colour ... kind of yellowish green colour. This is when the first words were said to me in the dream in which my mum said that this is going to sting. At that I felt that my hands started to tingle but then she said but it will be worse for your head. At that I woke up. I've not been able to really stop thinking about this dream since I had it and its still very clear in my head. Curious to know what this means and any help would be appreciated. Many Thanks

My 13 year old daughter had a

My 13 year old daughter had a dream last night about giving birth to a baby boy and she said it felt real although she said that she was having a hard time giving birth cause the baby was stuck and couldn't come out but she said it was a happy and frustrating dream. She said that had to give her needles where they shouldn't be giving it. But when she woke up she was just shoked and actually thought she was about to give birth. She said that when the doctors told her she was having a boy it started getting exiting then all of the sudden she was freaking out

I was at Disneyland visiting my friend

I was at Disneyland visiting my friend who had a summer job as a onsite nurse. And this boy in my year was dressed as sleeping beauty and that was his job. So we were fixing this parade float and we get called to an emergency at a ride. There was a shooting with poison darts and people queuing up to the ride had been hit, including the princess guy. also so we walked past them all as the people at the back had been worst hit. Near the back was my ex - boyfriend. And I walked past him to try not to make contact. but me and my friend had to split up to deal with everyone. she left me with the casualties to try and find out what happened. and she went up to the princess boy and he said it was a bear. then he died in her arms. so my ex-boyfriend comes up to me to get help and he is bleeping from were he was hit and he is screaming and crying in pain. so I pick him up and carry him to the hospital nearby while he sucks my cheek for comfort from the pain. so we get to the hospital and they take him to the operating room and gave him anaesthetic. But he was poisoned and the doctors told me I needed to suck his blood to save him from the poison. But I was like I'm not a vampire so they gave me fake fangs and I put they on. so they I had to suck his blood to remove the poison. Then I was sitting by his hospital bed and he woke up and he was ok.

I dreamt I was on a double

I dreamt I was on a double decker bus and was waiting to get off at a doctors surgery, that i'd never been to before. I pressed the bell and the bus went into freefall, hurtling down a huge hill(like being in an out of control lift). I got off at the wrong top right in front of a huge river, which I took to be the river Thames. I went onto the bridge and was not sure which bus stop to choose. It then started to rain and I found myself trying to find shelter with other people, in what appeared to be an old double decker bus made into a bus shelter.

I am in a hospital room looking

I am in a hospital room looking at a bed and a nurse and a doctor. I hear a voice, that of God, saying three times. I will show you where your faith lies, you will have a daughter.