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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

But i found myself inside of a

But i found myself inside of a sex shop with a group of friends. (that's probably a sign that i should go lol) but i end up wandering off because there were like five different rooms branching off from the main room i was in a room with like costumes and role play stuff for sale. there were also a bunch of different sized bandages for sale. even one for the chin haha so i'm about to leave because everyone else is ready but before i do, a priest walks into the room i was in with either his family, or someone elses', with their five children under 10 my first thought was how were they allowed into a sex shop being so young. my second thought was why would a priest bring these people here. and my third was why in the world would a priest be here anyway that entire group was speaking spanish but everything in the shop was in english and they were trying to figure out what the greeting cards said there was a big card stand area that had a bunch of random cards on them. i didn't read any of them, but they seemed pretty tame, which doesn't make sense due to the context

I was made to do an english

I was made to do an english assignment at work and could not do it but they kept making me continue

My orchestra teacher bluntly said that she

My orchestra teacher bluntly said that she was retiring after the school year gets out, and I stormed out crying! Then my English teacher lashed out at me saying, "you never turn in your work, you never listen, you never pay attention!" And I'm saying "I'm not a bad student" repeatedly. Then I'm in orchestra class again and my teacher says she's retiring at the end of the year and I'm sitting in my chair quietly crying and my stand partner asks me if I was ok and I said, "yeah, I'm fine!" I hold up my head high still crying a little and my teacher asks, "Megan are you ok?" I say,"Yeah I am!" She asks for a hug after class and says, "you're one student that I'll never forget!" I smiled and walked off!

I was searching for a job in

I was searching for a job in an old English village—complete with brick buildings and cobblestone paths—and I came across one store and told them I could stand out front and advertise the business to costumers. They reject me, so I went and found a comic book store ; the staff seemed to like me, but weren't sure about hiring me so I demonstrated my abilities and I had customers coming in, with a few exceptions. One of the guys who worked there said I should be hired and asked the boss—who was deaf—if I could and the boss told him they'd talk in his office. The store itself had costumes, comic books, actions figures and a movie screening room. I went back out in front of the store and proceeded to show a young boy with a skateboard in when members of the last store came back and we got into a fistfight—I was winning, but a couple of them held me down and cracked an egg on my back.

The boy i like and his friends

The boy i like and his friends were coming home from somewhere in rain jackets, then we all went to english class together in a hotel room, they all sat on the bed while i sat on the floor, his best friend came and sat beside me and said "lunch will be fun today with just us seeing as some people arent haveing lunch with us (looking at me and adam), he went back on the bed and was bothering us then he fell off the bed and adam kissed me and we were together for the whole day and night

I was in Israel looking for the

I was in Israel looking for the Wailing Wall. I thought I might have been at it and that idea was helped when I saw two orthodox Jewish men putting little pieces of paper in the cracks in the wall. I saw a door which had a gold colored metal plaque which read something along the lines of "Expert on the Wailing Wall - Dr ...". The sign was in English (not Hebrew) so I decided to knock on the door to ask where the Wailing Wall was. An American man opened and pointed me around the corner where I saw the wall with a large queue of people waiting to get close to it.

N cafeteria wet with mr Plata and

N cafeteria wet with mr Plata and random guy who is really cute with swirly tattoo under his eye we start speaking in spanish then we start to talk in English when mr plata leaves and Ms.Hucks comes in and just sits there. Then mr ball comes in  and starts talking about a student and I have to leave so cutie with tattoo picks me up and throws me over his shoulder laughing. We stop at 8th grade hall and he puts me down . I finally observe how tall he is. We are smiling at each other and slowly he starts to lean in

Last night I dreamt that I was

Last night I dreamt that I was in a prison for young offenders ( I am 21 so that is a bit weird) and I found out that I was sentenced 6 years for killing someone, the only I wanted to say about it was that it was an accident and nothing more. Then I had to go to talk to someone where I explained once again that (whatever happened) it was an accident. Then there was chaos and all of a sudden I bump in to my old english teacher (I never really liked this teacher but still there he was)

I had a dream with an old

I had a dream with an old classmate i had. i'm also in love with this classmate but i havent seen him in almost six months. i was in english class when two classmates that were sitting in back of me got up and left, then the classmate that i'm in love with came back and sat next to me,i told him how happy i was that he came back,but a way i somehow knew he was coming back already. i asked him how his life was going and he told me it wasnt going to well, i was about to ask him another question when i woke up.