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To make a long story short i

To make a long story short i had a lot of shoes in my dream i love shoes in real life...i live with my grandmother an for some reason in my dream i think it was a holiday maybe new years because a lot of loved ones were here an when some of us got in the car one of my friends was closing the car door an a white truck passed by but the truck almost hit the car door an the truck parked an a weird looking demon man got out an he was angry at us so i slammed my door an locked it and my friend soon did the same but we tried to drive away an he kept chasing us..at some point we came back to the house an me an my sister was laying on the floor in the living room with my nephew an i went to go look out the back door and i seen a lot of demons surrounding the house with torches and pitchforks saying some weird words..so i came back inside and locked all the doors and windows an my sisters friend started acting weird all of a sudden an i realized he was possessed then he tried to kill my nephew an i made him get out then i locked the door back and that's when i woke up

Dreaming that you give birth to your

Dreaming that you give birth to your ex's child although you didnt know you was pregnant, so your ex comes back off holiday in gambia to be with you after. You end up leaving your family to live with your ex's family and your child. You end up staying with your ex forever but your not happy

Had a very horrible nightmare in early

Had a very horrible nightmare in early hours of this morning , I was on holiday and all my friends and family member became posessed by the devil and was after me through the town. even the exorcism lady got posessed and i ended up having to perform the exorcism trying to fight the devil from posessing me whatever i was trying wasn't working, it ended up with a fearful battle between me and the devil. I found a way to kill it but then i woke up . What do people make of this ?? It scared the shit out of me and i had to get the holy water out this morning . Insane i know

I had a dream I went on

I had a dream I went on holiday but forgot to get my daughters passport do we got turned away from the airport

Me and my friend were on holiday

Me and my friend were on holiday and we discovered all these little rocks on a beach. We took the rocks home and then overnight they became dragons. We didn't know what to do with the dragons so we started selling them. We gained a lot of money from this and so we bought the beach and starter a sort of dragon slave trade business. Lots of people became very angry and were saying things like 'dragon rights' and were attempting to sue us, even we discovered the dragons. But then the dragons were all 'we'll save you' because as it turned out the reason the dragons became extinct in the first place was because they couldn't find jobs and so they all starved and died, so in the end they were really grateful towards us.

Me and my friend were on holiday

Me and my friend were on holiday and we discovered all these little rocks on a beach. We took the rocks home and then overnight they became dragons. We didn't know what to do with the dragons so we started selling them. We gained a lot of money from this and so we bought the beach and starter a sort of dragon slave trade. Lots of people became very angry and were saying things like 'dragon rights' and were attempting to sue us, even we discovered the dragons. But then the dragons were all 'we'll save you' because as it turned out the reason the dragons became extinct in the first place was because they couldn't find jobs and so they all starved and died, so in the end they were really grateful towards us.