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I walked around a house with my

I walked around a house with my mother looking for secret rooms. We entered a bathroom and in the bathtub we found a secret room. When we opened the door to the room we could see the most beautiful tunnel tiled with gold printed tile, and my brother was at the top of the tunnel at a party. He then slide down the tunnel with water running through it into the bathtub. When he climbed out of the bathtub, my mother and I asked him if we could slide down, and he said no we're to big and we wouldn't fit.

Old town 1930s i am in house

Old town 1930s i am in house and there are two people staking dead bodies up in one room and a 9 year old boy restaking bloody garbage bags with human torsos and a foul black monster with rows of pointed teeth is at the front door i know its going to eat the people first then me so i go into other room and find a trap door and escape leaving the little boy to get eaten i tunnel out and sleep in the backseat of an old car

My girlfriend and I were in a

My girlfriend and I were in a train station. We would ride the trains with suction cups on our hands tempting fate and acting dangerously. Then while standing on a platform I had déjà vu and knew wee needed to get out of the way. We moved as a train came crashing through the station. We ran off hear gunfire behind us, we met up with a man and some military personal who said if we wanted to escape to follow them through a circular bricked up portal. Explosives needed to be used to open the bricked portal and we then were crawling on hands an knees through small tunnels.

Like i remember the whole trip thing

Like i remember the whole trip thing was like through a bunch of rooms, and i was with a ton of people and the group was getting smaller and smaller each times, splitting up or being weeded out. But i remember going into a room it HUGE tables like, with everything you've ever owned in your life, huge tables filled with piles and piles of things. And at the end of the room were tons of doors, GIANT crystal doors, regular doors, gold, every shape ans size. And i remember walking past my parents at their table watching them madly grab for things, taking clothes and food and various things like phones and books. And i remember walking past them, and straight over to the doors because i just didn't WANT anything from mine. I remember looking at the doors and knowing that i had to pick one, and one door lead to heaven and the others were dead ends. And i looked at all of them and watched as my parents ran past to this huge crystal door, opened it, and it fell over and desolved, and they kept opening these huge ornate doors and the doors would desolve away or colapse. And i remember walking up to this itty bitty door, the size of a gym locker, opening it, and seeing this TIGHT as hell tunnel through jagged rocks and it was dark and very steep and barely enough room to fit, and i just, climbed in, squeezed myself in and started climbing. And i remember seeing feet, like legs in front of me, and i remember my parents trying to follow me through but they had too much stuff and they just wouldn't let it go, and i kept climbing even with them yelling at me asking me how i managed to fit. And i just kept goign and going and going until i got up to.....like this CRAZY bright gold area with white haze and bright light and like escaltors, and people were coming out of everywhere and getting on them going up, and soem were going faster and i got on one, and it wasn't fast but it wasn't slow and i remember just looking around kinda amazed and in awe watching people pass and just taking things in and i remember getting to the top, but for the life of me i can't remember what was there.....

Driving a car late at night feeling

Driving a car late at night feeling anxious, like I was late for something. I got to an old building that had a dark tunnel that people were debating going into or not

I got robbed and went after the

I got robbed and went after the guy. He gave me my purse and laptop back and kept my wallet. I confronted hi about it and he gave it back then tried to stab me. I went back into my job and they were remodeling I took stairs to the bathroom and cod not find my way back. Every staircase I went down was misfires and slanted there were 3 light tunnels to the right and one dark one to the left. I.found someone and asked them for help they led me there a very narrow tunnel

Dreaming of shooting stars I was driving

Dreaming of shooting stars I was driving a black BMW and the brakes did not work, I parked went to buy food, stopped at different shops, got back in the car drove brakes did not work banged into back of car, then got out of back seat. Went to the people driving I need help my brakes are broken, they then went to fix it, I spoke to Deni Hines, then got back in car drove went down a hill no brakes it got faster I tried everything manoeuvred it till I turned off key restarted engine, had control of car again then parked it somewhere. I then was at someone's house and looking at the sky the most beautiful stars I had ever seen, then the stars started forming together shooting across the sky and was like a million stars tunnel shooting together and landing, it shot into the room I was in and they were giant beetles and this weird cow looking thing, which a lady tried to hurt and I patted it and it sucked on my hands, I then felt under my skin things were growing and moving, I squashed them to stop, then my skin was obviously a shell as It broke and about 5 cats came out, then the other arm skin broke and a man came out, then my skin was shooting pins and I couldn't get the pins out as they kept growing. Then I was surrounded by men who claimed to be healers !

My parents and I are being chased

My parents and I are being chased by a man with a knife. My dad leads us through a tunnel under the floor boards of the house. The man nearly manages to grab my feet several times. The tunnel leads to the village I grew up in, but the house I live in now is in the village. We go to the house and my friends from Australia are there. My boyfriend in the dream is not the same person as my boyfriend in real life. My boyfriend in the dream is a friend from Australia. My ex from Australia is there. I kiss him and my dad walks in shaking his head in disappointment. My dad tells my boyfriend who walks away crying. I am chasing him telling him I am sorry and I love him but he wont listen and walks away.