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In my dream my school had to

In my dream my school had to go to the other school and talk for some reason and it was my turn and I didn't know what to talk about so I just started cussing my ex out and saying how he got me in bed then when he was done kicked me out and how he cheated on me and stuff and hoe I knew about all the times and then I apologized to this one girl cause of something I did but then I went to this other girl who used to be my friend but she was a peice of shit an ddid some shitty things and i told her something and then I was telling this guy to break up w his girlfriend and get with me instead and i felt so bad and then i as talking to one of my friends that I found out my ex was cheating on me with before we were friends and i told her that he didnt deserve us an d some other things

The man i am seeing, comes with

The man i am seeing, comes with me to a family bbq. Meets not only my parents ta but aunts and uncles. There is a disagreement betaeen my aunt and the man um seeing but it was a miss understanding and the boy apologised. All is well and it skips to he and I aalking off hand in hand and content of the outcome.

I dreamed that I was going to

I dreamed that I was going to work, hunting demons and at the end of my shift (around 7 at night) a demon attacked me and I was left naked in the street walking disoriented and alone towards a hospital where there was a party, a colleague from work he gave me his coat and tried to cover me during the way, when I arrived at the hospital a doctor who was drunk and seemed to know me well treated me. He gave me shorts and I put them on, he offered me beer and I drank until I got drunk when I woke up I was almost completely alone and there was no light at all in the hospital, a girl was caressing me and when she realized I woke up she moved away from me ( only there was no light in the hospital) when I got up to leave I walked disoriented because I was still drunk and then the girl came up to me and helped me walk towards the exit (in the course of this it started to rain) and at the entrance of the compound there were a shadow that was familiar to me. when we approached the Gate (which was completely open and abandoned I saw the face of the person and it was my grandmother (she was throughout my distant childhood and she did not treat my mom well) she offered me decent clothes and a car to take me home, the The girl who was helping me without thinking rejected her and told her to leave and that it hurts me, so I angrily told the lady that I don't want anything from them and asked her "why are you so worried about me?" perhaps now that I'm better, do you think I need them?", she answered me with a simple "No", the girl then told her 'go away and don't bother him again, he is a very good person, he always cares about others and always she strives to improve" then I managed to see the face of the girl (and it turned out to be the girl from 16 of my other dreams with whom I had a mishap that is my responsibility and for that reason we stopped talking even though I apologized to her) when she It was my grandmother, I bent down and began to cry inconsolably and cursing her and all my paternal family, the girl tried to comfort me, I yelled at her and told her that she would leave me alone, she gave me a hug and kissed me on the mouth crying and everything this while it was raining with the force of a hurricane, so she ran away crying; and he left me alone I turned around for a moment he saw me and said through his tears "I wish you good luck" I walked very slowly up a hill and when I finished walking I arrived at what seemed to be my house I lay down at the foot of one of my apple trees that were producing fruit and the apples were a beautiful reddish-green color (I do have 2 little apple trees in my house, but they are quite young) from my house while it was still raining very hard. apple trees are very symbolic for me, they represent my acidic and not very warm childhood on the paternal side and sweet and comfortable on the maternal side, also my maternal Great-grandparents were extremely poor and ambitious farmers of Goat's Milk apple trees and potatoes. and in reality, whenever I am near an apple tree I feel peace, nostalgia and I am proud of my maternal family

Dreamt of a guy (i’m not interested

Dreamt of a guy (i’m not interested in at all) impregnating a woman and he felt so guilty for what he did i think he hugged me as an apology but i was just confused and hurt of why he did such a thing

I was searching for a room to

I was searching for a room to sit down for a while. I entered two rooms. The first one was a room full of mirrors. In that room, the dream looked like real life only darker. I walked out. The second room I entered was cozy but it was not realitic, it looked like a children illustratiin or a elegant cartoon. There was an arm chair in front of a chimney with a beautiful fire. I walked toward the chair to sit there but a orange fox nicely dressed was sitting there. He had no eyes where the eyes should have been.I apologized and asked if I could sit in the room. He said, you can sit if you find a chair. I looked around and there was a chair toward a side wall. Then the fox said: but if you stay and look at the fire, you will loose your sight.

I dreamt that I discovered I had

I dreamt that I discovered I had an adopted brother and sister my entire life, but my parents had never introduced them as that to us so I never realised. It happened really suddenly that I was at home in New Cross, in my room but as an adult, and I think I'd heard some news story about adoption and it had made me think- I wish I had adopted siblings. And all of a sudden it came over me that I did. I'd had an adopted brother this whole time and I had never realised / put 2 and 2 together. I collapsed in tears of joy and sadness at the same time. I ran to where my mum and sister Joanna were tidying away clothes and tried to help and ask questions but I could barely function. My adopted brother was there too - he was a tall, handsome Asian man, very gentle and kind. I asked my mum and dad questions - it turns out they adopted two children, a Polish girl (who was not as close, a difficult adoption it seemed) and this Asian boy, who we had always grown up with and never questioned why. I asked my dad why they never explained to us: "because your mother said you children might not accept / try to sabotage them if you saw them as competition, so decided it was better to not say anything at all." This was classic my parents' approach to parenting- not trusting the kids and keeping their own confidences. I ran away from the room and as I ran I kept collapsing in floods of tears. My whole sense of being and understanding of who I was felt shaken, but I was also overwhelmed with love and affection for this sibling I had never recognised as such. The whole time he was there, quietly and gently present, aware of the emotional roller coaster I was going through and I had hugged him many times in tears already, and apologised for not knowing sooner. I ran upstairs - collapsing in piles of tears alof the way - back to my bedroom where he was in the bed and threw myself into his arms in the darkness and in my tears. I woke up then, not 100% sure if the love I expressed in that moment was more than that for a brother. It was possibly the relief of finding a soul mate. I dreamt this after an argument with my brother who earlier that day said he could not help me / give me advice about my relationship with Ben. I was very hurt and cried a lot - similarly completely overwhelmed / isolated. I felt quite betrayed by him in that moment. He has always been my closest confidante.