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On the first day, I'm walking along

On the first day, I'm walking along narrow path and I come to pass a Mosque where an Imam startles me. He intercepts me, placing his hand on my left shoulder. He impales my shoulder joint with his Tallon and gestures to the Qur'an he is holding. He asks me with hostility: "would you like to hear it in English or Arabic?" To which I answer: "neither" as I free myself from his grip and continue walking briskly. I sense that my audacity has angered him. I look back to gauge my safety and I see the Imam colluding with another person, talking secretly and pointing me out. This other person seems to take instruction and proceeds to follow me. I periodically look back to stay ahead and the person has morphed into the dress of a Catholic priest while having gained some ground on me. I look again and now he is a Presbyterian minister and stalking me like prey. Next glance he is Rabbi and chasing me. Every time I look back the person adorned a different religious attire, many of which were familiar from various Christian denominations I would ordinarily feel comfortable and friendly towards. I manage to stay ahead of the pursuing adversary. The next day I am walking along the same path and approaching the Mosque. I notice that the Mosque looks more like a cathedral and there are no distinguishable features that tell me it is a mosque, however there is no doubt in my mind that it is a Mosque. I become weary that I am nearly at the spot where the Imam cornered me the day earlier, so I look ahead and walk to the edge of the path in hopes to avoid him. Out of nowhere, he intercepts me and impales between my bones with his claw once again. "English or Arabic?" He hisses, as he begins pulling me towards the mosque. "Neither!" I say, as I painfully rip my flesh to get free. Again I briskly walk and am pursued by a shapeshifter. The third and final day I am walking along the narrow path. I have come to expect confrontation as a permanent obstacle. I consider crossing the road to avoid the ordeal, which would be out of my way and slow me down. Then I think to myself "why should I". Why should I make an alteration to my life and routine for such evil? Instead I march fearlessly towards the usual spot. Sure enough, he jumps out hoping to scare me, but I was expecting him. But before he can insert his claw, like a true martyr I offer my shoulder to him with arrogance and willingness to suffer the pain. This robbes him of much satisfaction as latches on. "Which will it be, English or Arabic?" He asks with malice. I look straight into his black eyes and calmly say "of that book I will hear neither, nor any other tongue".

Dream of comeing home late walking into

Dream of comeing home late walking into my bedroom which was dark then I see my beds messed up when I look closer I rearlise theres this strange young man / intruder Iv never seen befor laying asleep in my bed ad the telly on but nothing's on it just greay light on the screen so I scream to my dad there's some 1 laying in my bed and my dad just calmly walks him in to the front room while his walking by his putting his tshirt on smirking

I had a dream that my teacher

I had a dream that my teacher arranged a marriage between me and this guy with a girlfriend that I barely knew (I'm in 7th grade).The teacher said it was because we were both smart and quiet. Afterwards, my teacher, 'husband', and I had to steal engagement rings from the nurse. The next day, we calmly returned them.

I was walking around with a white

I was walking around with a white kitten on my head. The kitten sat there calmly. I was smiling. Then I felt something landing on my hair and j touched it. It was small pieces of poop coming from the ceiling. I looked up and saw a mouse tail but it was bushy like a squirrel and it ran away.

Husband in bed with another women cries

Husband in bed with another women cries when found by wife that has been looking everywhere for him while the other women is calmly explaining things to wife

I dreamed of a snake crawl out

I dreamed of a snake crawl out from under my pillow while I was standing calmly next to the bed, watching the snake slowly crawl off the bed and leave the bedroom and I was calm and was happy to see it leave.

I was in the hallway of my

I was in the hallway of my high school. The walls were blue and yellow. A funky bookshelf was against the wall. I was calmly talking to Savion. As the dream progressed I began to sob hysterically. I was crying and pleasing for him not to leave me, to which he responded with an air of indifference. He walked away, down the stairs. I was on my knees, crying, when Johnnie came and kneeled fown next to me. He wrapped an arm around me and tenderly placed a hand on my shoulder. After a short while he started running it throygh my hair. He told me in hushed whispers about how he would never leave me. He said, quieter than everything else, so i wasn't sure i heard him right, that he loves me. That he had loved me for a ling time. I looked up at him, and asked, in a quiet voice, "do you really?" He nodded with a small smile and reached over to hold my hand, which was now resting on my lap

I was in the hallway of my

I was in the hallway of my high school. The walls were blue and yellow. A funky bookshelf was against the wall. I was calmly talking to Savion. As the dream progressed I began to sob hysterically. I was crying and pleasing for him not to leave me, to which he responded with an air of indifference. He walked away, down the stairs. I was on my knees, crying, when Johnnie came and kneeled fown next to me. He wrapped an arm around me and tenderly placed a hand on my shoulder. After a short while he started running it throygh my hair. He told me in hushed whispers about how he would never leave me. He said, quieter than everything else, so i wasn't sure i heard him right, that he loves me.