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A battle with 2 armies. I helped

A battle with 2 armies. I helped lead 1 army and wielded a sword and shield. My army was armoured men and women. Our opponents were magical monsters created by a witch in a tower using a magical orb. We had to fight our way through the army to get to the tower. Once we had destroyed the monster army, we confronted the witch in the tower. I goaded her with harsh jokes about her appearance into revealing herself. For some reason the jokes were all 20th century cultural references. Our army was uneasy about the references and did not quite understand them at first but quickly got onboard with them and started to laugh all at once. This infuriated the witch who reversed course and headed to the top of her tower again. The witch had a big hole in her face where her mouth and nose should be. When she revealed herslf a girl shot her magic orb away from her using a bow and arrow. I picked it up and began to destroy it. The fact was that unless I believed I could destroy the orb, then it could not be broken. And it did not break no matter how much i hit it and dashed it to the floor. Once I truly committed myself to destroying it, and beleieved i would destroy it, it shattered. Once it broke, my fist went all the way through it and the tower that the witch lived in began to crumble and the witch began to shrivel up and die. An orchestral symphonic piece of music began to play and once the tower had fallen it exploded.

I am seeing this person from my

I am seeing this person from my school, when I was 14, whom I just met once randomly at age 20. I am 22 now. I am seeing him daily out of nowhere everyday. I never had a crush on him. It feels like he is just around in my dream close but not too close. Like once he said lets go together but I had commitments so i couldnt accompany him. Once we were having some sort of ritual bath together. And one day I saw him back bitching about me.