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I was speeding along winding sea side

I was speeding along winding sea side roads in my home city in an old brown car, my speedometer was broken so I had to drive according to how well the car handled. A man helped me fix a blind covering the windshield so I could open it to drive and close it later. This same man turned out to be a spy and showed up at my fathers house to put poison in everything including my laundry and said by the time we found out what it was and where it would be too late. The poison eas meant for my father who was a rival agent but it was me that got sick. Later we found postcards with the eggs of deadly insects embedded in them meant to hatch.

I had a dream you and I

I had a dream you and I were at Walmart. Amanda was with us too for some reason. She acknowledged my presence but paid no mind to it. Like she understood we were spending time together. We were playing around with fake swords until you stopped and told me you didn't want to be around her. So you took my hand and we started walking fast through different aisles to lose sight of her. She was angrily calling you name, but we ignored her and kept walking fast and hiding to leave he building without her. It got to a point she was yelling Bobby and you were annoyed. The next panel of my dream, you, jess and dad, and I were going to a restaurant for dinner. I was seated next to you. Across from me was my dad and across from you was jess. We were enjoying our meal next to an open window until we realized guard trucks pulling up. They started to fill the parking lot. The lights went out. At that point, we understood something was wrong and the restaurant was on lock-down. We couldn't leave because authorities were looking for someone deadly. So for some reason, everyone in the building aren't at tables anymore, but laying on the floor wrapped in blankets. It's dark and for some reason the light near our window worked but we had to turn it off. You're holding me as we're laying on the floor in a blanket and we're just looking out the window watching the guards search for the person. It's raining outside and we're just waiting. I'm scared and we eventually see a shadow of a figure outside our window. (Which now for some reason has two boards forming an "x" over the window) You immediately get up and sneak out of the room we're all laying in the grab a gun. I'm afraid that the man is right outside our window and I crawl under a table with the blanket to hide. The man crashes through the boards and starts yelling "I'm going to kill you all now" He starts shooting at a bunch of people and I'm scared for my life hiding under a table. You sneak into the room and you're looking frantically for me to make sure I'm okay. You're trying to get a good shot at the guy and you find me. So you hurry over to me and hug me and tell me "it's okay. I'll protect you Mandy. I love you." Next panel, the situation is over. The building is a mess. There are bloodied bodies scattered across the floor and debris everywhere. I don't know what happened to the shooter. You were rocking me in your arms and I asked where my dad was. You told me he was killed and I started crying loudly in your arms. I don't know what happened to jess. Then I woke up.

Cluster of guys in a cage with

Cluster of guys in a cage with two lions lying down. The male lion was very dangerous and had terrorised the community for very long and no one ever wanted to meet with it face to face. It was on the alert to attack who ever tries to escape. The female lion was humbly lying down without being troubled and I could feel its connecting with me but this was happening on me amongst the group. Suddenly I saw a big vehemous yellow spider crawling and wondered what the male lion will do of the spider. To add chill to my spine it ate the spider and become deadly frightened that if it eats small creature like spider it will never leave us. In a flash, the guys managed to escape at the expense of making me a bait sacrifice to deter the lion to risk losing all its pray by chasing them while this will also pave the only its meal (me) to escape. By the time the lion realises it was too late and chasing them will give me chance to escape. Then the lion chose not to lose all by sticking right at the only cage' s gate. There was no other way I could escape. The lion was very very angry and the last thing in its mind was to devour me. The lion has been terrorising the communit for a very long time and was strongest lion ever lived. The lion came straight to me and had no choice but to fight this lost battle. To my antonishment I fought and killed the lion.