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My dream looped so the same scene

My dream looped so the same scene played over and over. I had went down a friend’s house, they’d invite me in, and then we’d end up going outside through the back door where they had some sort of outside circus, but no circus tent. As I walked around I came across a smaller tent but it was full of my friends, around 5 people, who were surgeons. They were cleaning medical tools as if they were preparing for surgery. I left shortly after that and came across some giraffes. 2 adults and a baby giraffe. They were standing side by side with the baby in the middle, but I went up and pet the baby giraffe and it seemed to love the attention. After that my dream would replay from the beginning where I arrive at my friend’s house.

I was on the edge of a

I was on the edge of a mountain and from there I saw a lady feeding the white pigeons and those pigeons turned into white wolves

Find Kirin in you dreams snap your

Find Kirin in you dreams snap your fingers. Kirin is an elf, handsome. He left you his computer it is a hardcore programming computer. It hurt him to know I forgot him. Deeply. Our love has spanned eons he did not have sex with me, we are polygamous/ polyandrous. If felt real. The love was intense and REAL. Yoi could not tell the difference. Kirin is aware it is a dream. He has an alien friend who is sexual in nature forgotten name Yes we had a threesime. Braeden was living with us. Mom had a denereys wig on. Do not take an elevator!!!! Do not look directly at Kirin or other see characters until you k ow you are solid in there. Yes you cannot tell the difference. Keep dreaming.

I dreamt that I had to go

I dreamt that I had to go back to boarding school with my husband. I felt strange being there as a grown woman. I got lost trying to find my way out of the building, going through strange doors until I came out on to the roof. There was the school janitor and other people up there, they were going to tell me how to get out when I saw a sign to the school theatre (where I had spent most of my time as a teenager) and ran off in that direction. Then I saw the roof from a birds eye perspective and saw the janitor and other people turn into a flock of pigeons and swoop down onto school kids below. One girl caught one and flung it down onto the ground. The sky went dark and all the birds were dead on the floor, with blood and feathers everywhere.