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"It's a universe and it's fully red

"It's a universe and it's fully red and dark with stars, there is a cluster of planets vibrating with high intensity with the moons around them also vibrating, me and my mom are standing in the window of our bedroom looking at it when I tap my finger on the smaller moons and move them away from the main planets and they go away with a trail, then I get to know those moons were holding the planets in a hold blocking them. When I clear the path, a planet that is immensely blue comes swiftly near me and starts bumping me. We frantically run here and there and in the panic I slap the planet away when it breaks into two and a bright blue light emits from within and suddenly I am floating in the air with a tight hold and my body is frozen in that hold. My mom is shouting but in that second I am abruptly taken in the universe leaving a trail of black path behind me"

I wake with a start as a

I wake with a start as a young female child screams in terror. I seem to be sleeping at the beginning of the dream and am related to the child in some manner I believe she is my daughter or younger sister that I have to take care of, neither of which I have in my waking life. I run into her room and find a female ghost, crouched in an animalistic fashion over her bed, she turns and screams at me, with a distorted voice her eyes are white, her skin a mottled grey, wet hair plastered onto her head. Then she lunges at me with immense fury I fight her off and cradle the child for the remainder of the night. The same happened the next night except the creature reacted a bit different, it was angrier and more vicious when I intervened, I felt that the creature was trying to take the child and I had to protect her. With every fiber of my being. And before the third night it was like I was looking through the eyes of the creature, it was strong enough to stop me this time. And when the third night arrived, It started differently The creature hovered over me as I awoke, it's milky white eyes staring into mine, then it moved inhumanly quickly into the child's room. I chased after it determined to put an end to this. When I ran in it was already facing me, ready, it then roared. Black creeping into the corners of its eyes as it's face contorted in a horrifying manner. It lunged at me and I woke up. I know it got the child. I dont know why it wanted her though.

I wake with a start as a

I wake with a start as a young female child screams in terror. I seem to be sleeping at the beginning of the dream and am related to the child in some manner I believe she is my daughter or younger sister that I have to take care of, neither of which I have in my waking life. I run into her room and find a female ghost, crouched in an animalistic fashion over her bed, she turns and screams at me, with a distorted voice her eyes are white, skin a mottle.d grey, wet hair plastered onto her head. Then she lunges at me with immense fury I fight her off and cradle the child for the remainder of the night. The same happened the next night except the creature reacted a bit different, it was angrier and more vicious when I intervened, I felt that the creature was trying to take the child and I had to protect her. With every fiber of my being. And before the third night it was like I was looking through the eyes of the creature, it was strong enough to stop me this time. And when the third night arrived, It started differently The creature hovered over me as I awoke, it's milky white eyes staring into mine, then it moved inhumanly quickly into the child's room. I chased after it determined to put an end to this. When I ran in it was already facing me, ready, it then roared. Black creeping into the corners of its eyes as it's face contorted in a horrifying manner. It lunged at me and I woke up. I know it got the child. I dont know why it wanted her though.

My dream starts outside, laying on a

My dream starts outside, laying on a stone table with a tree to my left, a blood color sunrise behind me, and my sister watching me on the table. The sun does not move for the entire dream, yet it gets darker. I cannot move on the stone table, and suddenly I see a hooded figure in a black cloak approach me. My perspective changes so I am looking down on myself, but I can see inside of my body like an anatomy book. As the figure continues to walk around me, my left rib suddenly contracts immensely, and it seems like something has crushed my ribcage. I begin to breathe shallower and shallower every minute, and I die.

I was walking on the sidewalk around

I was walking on the sidewalk around my home. It was a beautiful sunny day and from behind I feel a presence I turn and its my deceased father giving me a big hug. He didnt speak, he looked very happy to see me and I felt immense love and protection. The feeling was so strong I woke up.

I was walking on the sidewalk around

I was walking on the sidewalk around my home. It was a beautiful sunny day and from behind I feel a presence I turn and its my deceased dad giving me a big hug. He didnt speak, he looked very happy to see me and I felt immense love and protection. The feeling was so strong I woke up.

In my dream I was levitating, a

In my dream I was levitating, a little off the floor. when I realized I could do this I decided to use it to intimidate or really scare someone who had caused immense pain to my son, I wanted to drive them insane by making them see me levitate then deny I could when they told other about is. I wanted them to be very very afraid of me. I then levitated to the ceiling up in front of them and around the room every time they looked at me.

I was called by somebody to take

I was called by somebody to take a test one day. I had to go the place they asked me, I met the tutors but before starting the test along with the other candidates I had to pee. I went to the bathroom, which strangely enough was also the kitchen, and when I was done I saw my dead uncle. He was very friendly and told me to take it easy and he gave me a glass of wine to relax. I went out the room to get to the testing area; I was in a huge gigantic mansion, beautiful, with an immense garden around it. While I was going downstairs, I saw my cousin talking and also my dead grandfather. I arrived at the testing area, very late, and everybody was doing the test which was nothing but...playing volleyball. Everybody was very nervous and angry and I was the only one telling them to relax and take it easy. After this part was over, we had to sit all on one place and there I met an old friend from high school, who I hadn't seen in years. Her tone was so reassuring and it calmed me a lot. We started talking and I told her I was very excited because I would have left soon for another place. The second after I was on plane, travelling. Next to me, there was the grandfather from the Simpson series who was reading a love poem aloud. And then I woke up.

I saw that I am in kafan

I saw that I am in kafan and there are so many people as well in kafan ,all waiting for their name to be announce and receive death, its plane area but there are small rooms .I m lying down several times for my turn of death but I don't get it,and I think that it would be painful then I hear sound that ,that after this death pain there is immense peace .

30 ans après son lancement dans les

30 ans après son lancement dans les pages de Raw, 25 ans après sa première parution en album, Maus est de nouveau sous les feux de l’actualité avec la parution de MetaMaus, un livre-DVD tout à fait remarquable tant par sa conception que par l’éclairage nouveau qu’il apporte sur le chef-?uvre d’Art Spiegelman. Le DVD, tout d’abord, propose une version numérisée des deux volumes de Maus, chaque planche pouvant être accompagnée par son brouillon, des esquisses ou des extraits sonores. Différents documents, des sources et des commentaires complètent cette offre numérique. Quant au support papier, MetaMaus réunit une série de conversations enregistrées avec Hillary Chute, professeur à l’université de Chicago. On y apprend bien évidemment comment Art Spiegelman a imaginé et réalisé Maus, comment il a vécu l’immense succès du livre, comment sa famille l’a elle-même vécu, pourquoi Art a représenté les juifs sous forme de rongeurs et les nazis en chats, pourquoi le livre a parfois soulevé la polémique. On y parle de la bande dessinée, de son choix pour ce médium, des techniques graphiques employées sur Maus… Un échange particulièrement dense sur près de 300 pages, accompagné d’une riche iconographie. En complément : l’arbre généalogique de la famille Spiegelman, la transcription d’entretiens avec son père, une chronologie, un index… Un ouvrage aussi fascinant et exigeant que Maus ! E.G. air max 90 pas cher