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I was walking around Neverland, but it

I was walking around Neverland, but it was a town, and it had houses and banks and stuff. All the lost boys were gone, but I some how knew pan and I missed him so I wanted to try and find him. I couldn't find him as we walked around a naborhood with my family (mom, brother, aunt, all four cousins) and I heard my mom whispering to my aunt talking about how there was said to be a powerful being trapped in one of the houses. I saw the biggest house and remembered something-I don't know what I remembered- and I rushed towards it. I opened the door and ran to the living room which was the center of the house and look around trying to find a hidden jail cell or something. I look close to the front of the room and there's a ledge with what looks to be a door. I ran to it and tried to open it, but then I heard my mom yelling not to go see him. I kept trying to get it open then I saw a twisty switch- you know the ones that you use for a hose- and I twisted it. I stepped back expecting pan to appear, but he didn't. I walked closer and breathed in the gas that was released and I fell to the ground unconscious. Everything goes black then little by little my vision comes back, but I'm not where I used to be. I stand up and look around then pan appears. And I run up and try to hug him, but he steps back making me realize he's till mist and not really there even though he is. He told me that I shouldn't had come because my mom will get me in trouble, and how he wasn't worth it. I denied it all and we just sat and talk for hours, but when the gas wore off a bright white flash covered my eyes and I ameditaly back on the floor of the house, not understanding what had just happened, and why I wasn't talk to pan anymore. I run back to my house seeing as it was late outside. My dad was home and asked where I was, and I said i was out with a friend and he let me go to bed. The next day I wake up around noon, and jump out of bed all ready for the day. I rush downstairs and storm through the door eager to see pan again. I run through our yard and cut straight the middle of "town" to get to his house. I run up his yard and rush into his house. Slide into my knees and turn the switch. Still on the ground I take a deep breath and loss consciousness again. We talk for every again and I wake up the same way. I flop onto my back think about how much trouble I'm going to be in, then I stand up walk out and lock the door so no one can hurt the gas thingy. The rest of the day I run through the woods with my cousins and mom and aunt. Around linner time my family walks around the neighborhood and I ask to stop and look at the house that pan "lives" in they let me and tease me for likening a monster like pan. I shake my head shyly and walk in through the back door-through the door next to the garage. I repeat the process as before, but this time while I'm talking to pan I her my moms voice saying. "I'm going to set this[an alarm clock] up so she will wake up and never be able to go see HIM again."