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Moving to a warmer more social state

Moving to a warmer more social state and into a larger 2 storey White House. I climbed up a chair and over an old wardrobe to a higher floor, finding 2 larger more spacious and light filled rooms. The furniture nearly toppled, however I worked out how to stabilise them. One I thought of using as an art studio and the other as a bedroom. The house was close to a little coffee stand. I felt excited to move. On the lower floor in the darker rooms was my ex - he was carrying my daughter at a younger age and I wondered why I ever let him near her - she was too vulnerable and I didn’t realise how cruel he was.

In my dream I saw that I

In my dream I saw that I was in the current job that I was working past years it was like I was with my brother and I received a phone call from my nephew he was complaining to me to say he has not been working since days now and there is nothing to eat for him so after that I encouraged him that don't worry everything will be okay then I behold seeing three people bringing their brother to some people of shrines they started saying that we want our brother to suffer we want him to be miserable we want him not to be having money and those which doctors that are doing some rituals on him and they said he'll be having headache each time he thinks so I will seems like I was going in taking that person out from that line taking outside when I do that it will looks like he is still inside and take him outside the inside take him bring him outside then the last time they said do it no more for it is done so I started seeing that man immediately wake up from that line and he became exactly like as they were saying the man became miserable was looking like a mad person and the man started feeling headache as he was thinking and he touched in his pocket there was just a thin culture which is tired apart in his started crying in the way I am a families and he thought that my family's at the funeral then he started going there and finally I went to place which looked like a an antihil and I started preparing some wood so that I may make a fire then I worked up

I was buying cocoyam in the dream,I

I was buying cocoyam in the dream,I felt compelled to buy cocoyam to help the seller which made her very happy. I told people I don't generally like cocoyam but I was willing to buy them to support the lady seller

My grandpa just passed away and 7

My grandpa just passed away and 7 th day after funeral I saw he told me and my mom im going on a trip and gave his ipad and its home screen picture was my and my mom picture.and he was packing his clothes after that I was laying on my bed and he came other side and was talking with unknown person (female)and that person asked is (our pets) this pets are your?and what about them ?he said I gave them to my daughter.then suddenly dog came running and he went to catch them but he fall because of my legs.that was the dream

Explain what my dreams means : I

Explain what my dreams means : I had 3 dreams. The first dream is about 3 passports, the Fijian passport untouched by cockroaches, the American bitten all over, and the UN passport only the front cover and back cover bitten.. the rest inside is untouched. The second dream is I am sitting the in the middle, beside me is this 2 Israel generals older putting the soldier rank onto my shoulders uniform. The third dream is I am speaking to thousands and millions of soldiers they wearing white all over, white boots, white weapons, and for me I’m wearing the israel soldier uniform. What does my dream mean?

We were in a hotel corridor after

We were in a hotel corridor after a funeral. I said goodnight to my sister in law. My husband said goodnight and they started to kiss passionately and stopped when they saw me