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Running down the street being chased by

Running down the street being chased by a gunmen. A man and woman hide me inside a I n upstairs apartment. The windows have a padlocked chain on it. Someone offers to let me out but am afraid to go outside. I think think the gunman is waiting for me.

Walking through large fields and meadows, i

Walking through large fields and meadows, i can also walk around the large fields by following the foot path. I see wild animals add realise a padlock has been cut and the gate is open allowing the lions, crocodiles and wild pigs to roam through the fields. I have to climb high up a wire fence to stop them from getting me. I fear they will kill and eat me

I dreamt I had a black half

I dreamt I had a black half arm tattoo. It started at the top with delicate flowers but then had a horses head, a padlock and a German Eagle at the bottom. I wanted to get rid of it.

A man was on my porch distracting

A man was on my porch distracting me, while someone got in my back door and put padlocks on all my appliances and turned on my sinks, and water was over flowing onto the cupboards

I was being fronted by motorcyclists that

I was being fronted by motorcyclists that looked identical and so were my parents. Then I was put into a cell/cage underground and next door to me my parents shared a cell. That night underground shook violently and then there was a crack that sucked us all in. We fell through time and space, then landed in the garage of the house I grew up in. My parents had an "exhibit" of their wedding day. Strangers were coming in and out of the garage and then, I told my mom that we can't have this happening in here! Then I started to pick up things and she smacked me so hard I fell on the ground. After she put the things I dropped back, I was on the ground still crying and she carried me to my room. She locked the door with a padlock and took the key with her, I was crying and having a tantrum. Once I stopped then I got up and headed for the and then couldn't get out! I was trapped in my room.

I dreamt my fiancé got my coworker

I dreamt my fiancé got my coworker pregnant. I asked her to get a DNA test to be sure. We were also in the process of moving into a new house. I saw a chain and padlock being opened to let us inside