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I was at my church and I

I was at my church and I didn't know anyone that was there. It seemed to be medieval times and there was a man there named Mohinder. I immediately became friends with him and he became like a father to me, except that he was no older then 30. I ran around in circles around my church, leaping over hedges and being wild and crazy, then I cam inside a gave him a hug. I remember everything clearly. The musty smell of her shirt and the fresh clean scent of his cologne, the rough feeling of the material, and how strong and yet gentile that his arms felt when they wrapped around me, and the rumble of his chest when he spoke, asking me what I had being doing… I can even hear his soft heartbeat and feel his chin on my head One day there was a commotion at the lake outside the building. Everyone was confused and didn't know what was in the lake. I looked in and saw that it was a giant fist, I could see the ripples around the lake. One fat boy fell in and was eaten. I was scared, but then I felt Mohinder's arms around me and I was comforted. He was holding me on the shore, making sure I didn't fall in. But as the people around us started to panic, it felt like he was holding me tighter and i felt like I might fall. I broke away and ran quickly to my room, ignoring him when he called me back. I stayed in my room for hours until he came and knocked on my door. He explained that he was holding me tighter because he was afraid that the people might start to push us. and it felt like we were falling because I was panicking. I apologized and we continued with life. A while later I was in a pretty white flowered dress, sitting on two rocks that were call the keys. (The locks the the big pile of rocks with two holes in them, and they keys were the little piles that looked at if they would fit into the holes.) I was sitting and drawing and he told me I looked beautiful sitting like that. I was embarrass and I tried to get down, but he told me not to move. “No!” He said. “Just be still… you are beautiful.” It was a while later where knights came to our church. They wanted to go on a ride to check up on some villages where orcs were making trouble. Mohinder let me go with him and the knights, but some of the others were doubtful that I could be of much help and they didn't want me to come. I went anyways. ON the way there, I fell behind and was kidnapped by some slave traders. They traded me to a man who needed help with his merchants cart. I was ordered to be silent, or I would die. Mohinder came and was buying something from the merchant when he saw me, he was startled and tears came into his eyes. But he whispered. “You are beautiful.” even though I was in rags. Then he drew his sword and saved me. I think woke up.

It was a clear night I was

It was a clear night I was laying down on my back and out of nowhere surrounded by water that reflected the clear dark blue and black sky. I noticed the water had ripples but you couldn't see to the bottom... I look up and my mom was standing near me and hands me this baby wrapped in white, I look at it and said this baby isn't mines and I look again and ask myself "is it"... then I look at the babies face and said its bright and kinda looks like me but isn't mines... I was unsure and I held it close my chest while it slept on me. then I woke up

My dream: BBQ on a forested mountain,

My dream: BBQ on a forested mountain, hanging around, tents up, great food and friends. A sudden hush falls through the crowd, with a dozen people now staring at the sunset. One of the girls begins to countdown, from 20, everyone else chimes in. We get louder and louder and all other sounds fad to a low buzzing. I move away from everyone to get a non-forested view of the days end. The next second after the world goes black I yell out to everyone to get up high. Remembering that height will effect the angle you can see the sun, so everyone gets on top of the cars, then stands up. We see the sun rush back up to reset for another sunset. As the sun becomes distorted black spots fill in the right side of the yellow and orange, growing till the sun is crescent. Everyone freaks out. Running from who knows running to nowhere, for this was inescapable. I don't run, instead I stand straight and tall. I stare even more into the sky. The sun rotates in crescent form becoming black as all, then far to bright, and it was getting larger, even changing color to a deep red. It's brightness waned and its size grew I could see flares, ripples, holes in the sun.I begin to float. It rotates more becoming a crescent then total black. I waited for several minutes. Nothing. Absolute black. Blinding light fills my vision once again, with a hole in the sun to the left now. As my eyes adjust I see not a hole but a planet in the sky. It was blue and textured, then it was earth. I was seeing earth forming an eclipse of the giant red sun. The ground at my feet was getting hot and the couch needed more insulation, I gather more pillows as the ground become red and perched atop them. I had no escape. As the earth fully eclipsed the sun I got a message on my iPhone. I reach for my pocket to find an app newly added. I open it to find something called "the innocent slider". I tap it. The eclipse fully takes over the sky and I am pulled through the hole as I see a slider for a number between one and a hundred. I slide to a hundred confused as the hell is happening. My nose widens. Several more sliders, all with the same numbers, but no clue what they will change. I slide them to random numbers to get to the next page, knowing that i had not much time. Everything about me is molded, I feel so different. The next slider is blue square on one side and a pink triangle on the other. It is set to the blue side I slide it quickly to the other for I sense a time limit quickly approaching. Now I'm female. The hell, I think. Next two sliders give a list of symbols which all look like ancient civilizations. I see a symbol for Aztec, Navajo, Egyptian, Indian, Chinese and something else, several others I didn't recognize. I slide it to Iroquois. I could feel my body changing. I was naked now. The timeline was almost up. I needed to go. The eclipse passed over me, I fell into blackness. . . . I then awoke. Confused that I knew English, that I was male, and then realized it was a dream.

Well, for some reason i feel this

Well, for some reason i feel this dream is part two of a previous dream i had many months ago, without any information on the previous i will continue to start from the begining of the most recent. I am at my mothers house sitting on the floor (on my knees) at the centre of the living room writing lyrics on a table the sun rays are shining through the window to my right, i acknowledge it and as i do, (sitting on the sofa, in front/ just below of the window) is the man (i believe i am in love with) sitting on the sofa. However the second i notice/recognise him i swiftly swipe up my papers in my hand and say "i cant do this anymore" and breifly run upstairs and then head to the front door. (which all previous experience of dreams that i partly remember, or contiously try to analyse, i am never able to do with ease, i.e, i struggle to control my movements, if i want to run or say something i usually am unable or lack the control that comes with the intent). The next moment i am running fast down a wide, open path in woodlands/forest, its night time, so dark but so bright? Im meaningfully 'running' through an 'army' of people walking in the opposite direction, i look behind over my left shoulder and there he is in the mist of people, walking in the same direction oblivious to everyone around him, looking back at me... seriously... not smiling, crying, not signalling for me to stop etc... just nuetral expression almost. I continue to 'run'... although by the time i turn my head back around to face the direction im 'running'... i arrive at a beach... as i arrive the beach is sort of to my left... i dont step onto the beach, i levetate, at this moment i take in all the beauty, theres almost a sense of peace and calm but excitement/impatience and i notice others are present... whilst 'noticing others' are so close on the beach i am prominently above the sand floating, no-one has noticed me, moving towards the sea. At the sea shore... i am looking in to the ripples/colour/ movement of the waves... the sound the feeling... i had no reflection but the moon did... it takes my attention from the reflection to look up, just as i do, i look back over my left shoulder once more to see, the man i believe i love has caught up, on the perimeter of the path,'steps' onto the beach and is still looking at me. no words, no action. i wake up.

I am a ghost and im on

I am a ghost and im on a wooden ship made of all dark wood then i apear on the shore next to the ship but i never see the accual ship from the outside, then i see a large man with all dark clothes on, the caption of the ship i assume. he is floating on an inch of water with some others and there is absolutly no ripples or anything, for as far as i can see on the clean rockey ocean. then he and i are on the shore and he places six small bricks on the sand forming a rectangle. then he tells me to sit, but i refuse and say anything is to heavy isnt it? he says yes because he taught others and himself to float on top of a very small amout of water and not sink. then i walk away and i apear in a house that look over the beach but when im in the house i cant see the ship or aything but as soon as im out i can see the ship and other ghosts. But then a family walkes into the house and with a boy and they are telling him that baby pictures of me are accually him and that he doesnt have a sister. then i grab a brush and start banging at the glass trying to show them that im there and the glass breakes but the act as if nothing is happening. then i am crying and yelling at them telling them im there but they dont see me and im crying and asking why, why would you tell him i never existed thats not Micky that me dont you understand. its not my real life family its just my family in my dream. then im out of the house and dark wood is all i can see as i wake up.

I am dead and a ghost and

I am dead and a ghost and im on a wooden ship made of all dark wood then i apear on the shore next to the ship but i never see the accual ship from the outside, then i see a large man with all dark clothes on, the caption of the ship i assume. he is floating on an inch of water with some others and there is absolutly no ripples or anything, for as far as i can see on the clean rockey ocean. then he and i are on the shore and he places six small bricks on the sand forming a rectangle. then he tells me to sit, but i refuse and say anything is to heavy isnt it? he says yes because he taught others and himself to float on top of a very small amout of water and not sink. then i walk away and i apear in a house that look over the beach but when im in the house i cant see the ship or aything but as soon as im out i can see the ship and other ghosts. But then a family walkes into the house and with a boy and they are telling him that baby pictures of me are accually him and that he doesnt have a sister. then i grab a brush and start banging at the glass trying to show them that im there and the glass breakes but the act as if nothing is happening. then i am crying and yelling at them telling them im there but they dont see me and im crying and asking why, why would you tell him i never existed thats not Micky that me dont you understand. its not my real life family its just my family in my dream. then im out of the house and dark wood is all i can see as i wake up.