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I was in Rio in the shantytowns

I was in Rio in the shantytowns and i went into a train-station to go to my final destination. there was no one there but the trains were still working. But every time i took the train it just leed me to another abandoned train-station, until after a while i was frustrated so i tried to run on the tracks of the train to get to my destination, until a train came my way and there was no way to get out the way of the train, so i jumped onto the head of the train, and there was no driver but the train was able to drive and just carried on.

I was in Rio in the shantytowns

I was in Rio in the shantytowns and i went into a train-station to go to my final destination. there was no one there but the trains were still working. But every time i took the train it just lead me to another abandoned train-station, until after a while i was frustrated so i tried to run on the tracks of the train to get to my destination, until a train came my way and there was no way to get out the way of the train, so i jumped onto the head of the train, and there was no driver but the train was able to drive and just carried on.

I leave my home to go to

I leave my home to go to this shanty village. I am trying to save my father and brother. A crowd of men surround me and they jump on my back until I can no longer stand. They press themselves upon me. I find the strength to stand and get away. I hide in one of the dark shantys. I find a silver ladle there and a girl hiding in the dark. I take her with me. I feel like I have to save her. I bring her to my home and feed her stew with the silver ladle. She seems restored. I go back to save my father and I am successful. I bring him home and feed him with the silver ladle but his color is not restored he is still dark and gray and determined to go back to the shanty houses. I am saddened but I let him go realizing that he doesn't want to be saved.