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I walk down a hall until I

I walk down a hall until I come to a stop. Turning my glance towards a mirror, hanging on the wall, I see myself. Only I'm different. My hair is longer, I'm way skinner than now, and I'm wearing a pretty red dress. I then hear footsteps and I look at the end of the hall, there stood three children. Two boys and a girl. They all three smiled at me and motion me closer, I followed them to a beautiful secret garden. There they want to play a game of hide-n-seek. The eldest boy was it, the rest of us went to hide. I went back into the mansion, knowing my way around, though I've never seen this place before, and opened a door. It was dark, but the sunlight hit a chair and sitting in it was a man. He looked over at me with the most beautiful eyes, a bright green. His hair was shoulder length brown and shaggy. He was slim and tall. A sudden feeling of sadness overcame me as I ran to the man, crying as I hugged him. He petted my hair saying "It's okay now, I'm here." and slowly lifted my face up to look at him. He smiled leaning closer to me whispering, "Don't cry." and I woke up

My fingers kept turning smaller, and skinner

My fingers kept turning smaller, and skinner and I thought they could break off. Thumbleweeds were rolling through my house and they were so large. I felt they could kill me. In the dream I went and layed in my mother's bed with her and I stared at the red numbers of the clock until I woke up.