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This is one of the most disturbing

This is one of the most disturbing and horrible dream I have ever seen in my life. I'm having a little discussion with my mom.. she was a bit depressed..because she has some money issues.. she was worrying about her money situation and talking with me about that. I actually told her we will see what we can do. My mom is working as a teacher in the dream.she was a teacher in rea life but now retired.but in the dream I saw that she is still working . She has not gone for the job from few days... She is so depressed than what she shows. I realised that Mom is having a critical situation in her mental health. That I have to inform this to my sister or someone in the family... My mom got ready to go to the job.. because she has not gone for the job for like few days she said she must go today..and got ready. But I could see that she don't want to go.but I told her don't stay today too.. you will lose the job as well.. then she left. Then some People came home.. like relatives or my friends..I can't remember. But I know these people really well . We had a little chit chat... And my sister and dad came too... I roughly explained to my sister about mom's situation..we all got distracted by talks. Then suddenly I noticed it's so late... That Mom should come home by now.. then I told everyone about what happened today... I just felt there is something wrong with the situation..then the people agreed to go and search for mom in the school .. because it's too late now. Then we left.. we searched in everywhere. But we couldn't find her... And we asked children who has stayed for late night classes that if they have seen her.. only one child has seen her .... And she told us which classroom.. and we went to look there.. adults told me not to come inside..so I waited outside ..they went to the classroom ..and they came with a very misarable face... They said mom has suicided.. I actually felt like I'm broken in to peices.. I couldn't bear it.. I cried out loud... And one of the people told me she had a letter in her hand. In this letter it says someone of her family like a brother who lives in abroad coming to see her... After this letter came to her hands she has got her depression more worse.. maybe her worry of money has gone worse after she got the letter... Because she can't treat them well because she doesn't have much money. But I understood that this happened because she was not feeling well. She was going through depression. I actually felt so sad and miserable. I cried out loud. I felt like my life is going to be over. How can I be without her.. ? Then I woke up and I realised ...it's a dream.. but still feel awful. Is this dream giving a prophecy or reflecting something of my own life?

I had a dream where I was

I had a dream where I was somewhat lucid I couldn't gain control of the situation around me. I went through 3 environments. In the first one, I was in my school's sports uniform and my school team, I saw them having some sports competition with another random school. I did not participate. Rather, I was hanging out with a few unknown people. I met two children, presumably siblings as they looked alike. They were nice kids. I remember hastily asking them if I was in a lucid dream or not. They asked, "are we?? Well I'm not. I dont know." i attempted to ask a clever question, "how much do you know about my planet?? I'm from Saturn!" They couldn't reply to it with something I wanted. But I assumed i was lucid dreaming. Afterwards, a snowfall suddenly occured. It was unnaturally fast, and i saw the mountains behind collecting snow quickly.

Met online friend irl and she made

Met online friend irl and she made me watch a CGI cartoon movie titled "A Streetcar Named Desire" ...it started with siblings singing a song about asses. i remember feeling like i wished the experience I was having were real. the movie was awful, though. at some point in the dream, i was back home and really upset about school. she had came and comforted me after a bad interaction with a teacher who was also a cop. this teacher accused me of being disrespectful and it made me get aggressive. I dreamed I smashed the wall in EJ's room out of anger, using his computer to do it. i stopped when Mak screamed out of fear. this is where i woke up. at some point in the dream i had made a cake while my mom did. she complimented it. felt proud of myself for making it. another reason I was angry is because i was in an english class. we had to annotate notes of our peers and this person had told me i spelled "patronize" wrong even though i didn't, and thought all of my points were wrong and was horrible about it. this is why i smashed EJ's wall. another thing i felt was guilt because i ranted about online friend ghosting me days before she made me watch that movie with her. she also wanted me to come see another one. she said we'd meet up at 9-9 on Sunday. I interpreted this as 9:09. at some point in the movie, there was this principal with a fork for a head. he did something that accidentally upset the kids and they all hate him. but it's possible he was egotistical all along. he called himself sexy.

My childhood friend and my brother seemed

My childhood friend and my brother seemed really excited and giddy, they lead me down the stairs and opened the door for me. Standing at my doorstep was a girl in a white dress with eyes of formless red fire. Her eyes were awful, they flowed out of her sockets and froze in the air like frozen blood. It was only for a split second but I remember the image very well.

I crow flys over my head and

I crow flys over my head and drops a note in front of me with my name with a necklace and a invitation and when i put the neclice around my neck crows picked me up and took me to a house with the address from the letter and when i enter i walked up these stairs to a sorta observatory and saw this old women a black panther looking things i could make out what its looked like honstly i gave her the note i had and she said that this cat is mine and in way bailed on me and disappeared in smoke when i woke up i also was female and a kistune and after that for 8 days everything in th house had a awful grudge where i littraly felt like they wanted to kill me over and over again and it was like i was in hell with the suffering but the cat allways seem to be there like it know what was going on but also seem to say i have to let it play out like i needed to be done or something

Season of persimmons and spoons omens of

Season of persimmons and spoons omens of snowfall heaven unblessed blushed twilight milky moon tenderness swelling summer cicada strawberry insect bites bruised fruit plum syrup magnolia molasses gas station slushie cutting hair casting spells cherry icee rain gutted roof tornado season september loveless sweetvoice butterscotch milkweed milkshake thickets eyelashes sweetbriar hmyns meadowsweet cacoon cathedral moth apparations pink fog shrine crickets

Season of persimmons and spoons omens of

Season of persimmons and spoons omens of snowfall heaven unblessed blushed twilight milky moon tenderness swelling summer cicada strawberry insect bites bruised fruit plum syrup magnolia molasses