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Symbols in a dream containing housekeeper

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What is the meaning in a dream of housekeeper


To dream that you are a housekeeper, denotes you will have labors which will occupy your time, and make pleasure an ennobling thing. To employ one, signifies comparative comfort will be possible for your obtaining.

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To dream of having an abundance of nice, clean crockery, denotes that you will be a tidy and economical housekeeper. To be in a crockery store, indicates, if you are a merchant or business man, that you will look well to the details of your business and thereby experience profit. To a young woman, this dream denotes that she will marry a sturdy and upright man. An untidy store, with empty shelves, implies loss.

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To dream of brooms, denotes thrift and rapid improvement in your fortune, if the brooms are new. If they are seen in use, you will lose in speculation. For a woman to lose a broom, foretells that she will prove a disagreeable and slovenly wife and housekeeper.

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