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What is the meaning in a dream of antelope

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What is the meaning of antelope In a dream, What does it means antelope In a dream?


Seeing antelopes in a dream, foretells your ambitions will be high, but may be realized by putting forth great energy. For a young woman to see an antelope miss its footing and fall from a height, denotes the love she aspires to will prove her undoing.

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Samples of dreams of antelope

Good afternoon sir. I dreamt that my

Good afternoon sir. I dreamt that my brother killed an antelope, a grass cutter and another animal dat I can’t recall. What does it mean? I always o dreamt of buying food for my dad.

Tiger runs pass me to attack an

Tiger runs pass me to attack an antelope on my right side in a shopping center parking lot as I cross street to call out to my brother before he gets in car.

Other meaning of dreams of antelope


Seeing antelopes in a dream, foretells your ambitions will be high, but may be realized by putting forth great energy. For a young woman to see an antelope miss its footing and fall from a height, denotes the love she aspires to will prove her undoing.

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