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What is the meaning in a dream of cremate

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What is the meaning of cremate In a dream, What does it means cremate In a dream?


To dream of seeing bodies cremated, denotes enemies will reduce your influence in business circles. To think you are being cremated, portends distinct failure in enterprises, if you mind any but your own judgment in conducting them.

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Samples of dreams of cremate

I had a dream that I had

I had a dream that I had died and then I saw myself getting cremated starting with my feet and then slowly going up to my body

I dreamed that I was preparing for

I dreamed that I was preparing for my funeral. I was walking with someone whom I did not know and we approached a man in his backyard. There was a dead man whom he was preparing for his funeral. I informed the man that I wanted to be cremated and I selected a box that I wanted my ashes to be in and told him to give the ashes to my oldest daughter.

Other meaning of dreams of cremate


To dream of seeing bodies cremated, denotes enemies will reduce your influence in business circles. To think you are being cremated, portends distinct failure in enterprises, if you mind any but your own judgment in conducting them.

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