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What is the meaning in a dream of magpie

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What is the meaning of magpie In a dream, What does it means magpie In a dream?


To dream of a magpie, denotes much dissatisfaction and quarrels. The dreamer should guard well his conduct and speech after this dream.

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Samples of dreams of magpie



I was in a unlit room and

I was in a unlit room and i was feeding 3 gold fish, 1 large and 2 small in an aquarium. as i was feeding them, one jumped out and hit my chin and landed on a towel. I picked it up and placed it in the aquarium. the second one jumped out and landed on the towel so i picked it up and yelled for my wife to turn on the light while i was placing it in the aquarium all of a sudden a magpie landed on the edge of the aquarium and grabbed the large goldfish. i snatched the bird threw it down and stepped on it and squished it.

Other meaning of dreams of magpie


To dream of a magpie, denotes much dissatisfaction and quarrels. The dreamer should guard well his conduct and speech after this dream.

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