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What is the meaning in a dream of napkin

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What is the meaning of napkin In a dream, What does it means napkin In a dream?


To dream of a napkin, foretells convivial entertainments in which you will figure prominently. For a woman to dream of soiled napkins, foretells that humiliating affairs will thrust themselves upon her.

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Samples of dreams of napkin

After swim practice we drove to pick

After swim practice we drove to pick up my mom. Group of old friends I joined. Jewish parents fed us pizza with ice cream. Donald Trump presidential candidate was there telling us which airplane to go on. Not the one with the pagans. he wrote a white letter on each painting in the kitchen. Girl cut me my nose was bleeding I wiped it off with white napkin. cousins. Kids having white wine

I dreamed that I was enjoying a

I dreamed that I was enjoying a meal of a cooked snake. I took a knife and cut down the middle of a really big fat black snake and it split in two starting at the head. One side had bones on it and the other side didn't. I discarded the boney side. The table was set with china and and very formal. I was eating the snake with a fork and knife and I used a white napkin to wipe my mouth after each bite and I was very much enjoying the meal.

Other meaning of dreams of napkin


To dream of a napkin, foretells convivial entertainments in which you will figure prominently. For a woman to dream of soiled napkins, foretells that humiliating affairs will thrust themselves upon her.

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