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What is the meaning in a dream of urn

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What is the meaning of urn In a dream, What does it means urn In a dream?


To dream of an urn, foretells you will prosper in some respects, and in others disfavor will be apparent. To see broken urns, unhappiness will confront you.

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Samples of dreams of urn

I hear the sound of ghungroo at

I hear the sound of ghungroo at the place where I lived as a kid. I tell my mom I heard the sound of a ghungroo. As i look outside i see a little girl in red dress running around and playing but not looking at us. I tried to affectionately call her but words dont escape my mouth. Have a sense of shock as i see her and maybe some sort of fear caused the words to not come out of my mouth. As she leaves our vision I tell my mom that i heard it earlier that day and saw her earlier. She must be around 4 or 5, just about th age of my daughter whom i havrnt seen for a couple of months now. The visual out of the window was pitch black and all i could see was the girl run away from our side of the window, turn around and run back disappearing from our side of the window.

My nephew was with me and my

My nephew was with me and my first born boy child where by we witness my neighbors killing someone, we tried to escape but I was unable to help my son and nephew and I went home by the time I was at home by the door I saw my nephew being shot at 2 times an by the time my son was about to get shot I called him and he came as a spirit telling me it's too late the I was crying trying to grab him and I couldn't as he was heading straight to the house where he was killed, so by the time I was going back home I saw a small van 1400 with a colour white, green and blue heading to my place as if it was driven by a woman that I know by the time I get inside the house I was crying as loud as I can but seems like nobody was paying attention at all... So I went straight to my bedroom where I saw a linen of clothes and there was an overall with blue, yellow and orange colour on it, and it looked like I knew the owner of it so I came to the kitchen where I saw my son in a zinc bath with a smoke like he was burning and his arms were shrinking Please respond

Other meaning of dreams of urn


A pear in a dream means lust and attraction. The pear symbolise the woman body, but not only the women body, it also symbolise the motherhood and fertility. We long and crave to return to the womb to be smothered with motherly love but as Freud said we also crave to sexualize our own parents in the Oedipus syndrome. The pear symbolise all of this and it usually indicates that the dreamer is ready for sexual affection and needs. It is a good sign for a woman do dream of a pear as she is ready and fertile. For a boy to dream of a pear means that they are in need for sexual loving.

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Seeing a chaplet in your dream symbolise a journey. A long chaplet in a dream means you are going on a long journey. It might a real life journey, physical journey of travelling or might be a journey inside to understand yourself better. A white chaplet can show of a journey into pureness, a black chaplet in your dream can indicate a journey to cleanse within. A diamond or a wooden chaplet in a dream symbolise a journey for money or losing money.

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Interpretation of a pool in a dream: Interpretation of dreams about a pool according to the Kabbalah implies a good future. A pool in a dream reflects a positive development in our lives, especially in the economic field and also in the family field. A dream in which we enter a pool foretells that we will be able to escape troubles that might have hurt us. A dream in which we bathe in a pool foretells us great success financially. Dream of a pool Did you have a dream at night about a pool? Does this mean that you will now know abundance and livelihood? Or maybe it's a difficulty? And is this a good or bad dream? The truth is that when it comes to a dream about a pool, there are quite a few possible meanings, and if you are looking for a decipherment for a dream, you need to dive deeper into your dream. You must actually understand what exactly appeared in the dream - and where the pool was located, what was the situation, etc. - and so you will be able to understand the meaning of the dream. Dream of a pool at home In general, when you have a dream about a pool inside your home, it is a very good sign! The pool at home usually signifies a feeling of abundance and also great success, especially when it comes to your livelihood. If you have just started working in a workplace and dreamed of a pool - this is probably a good sign of the success you are about to feel in your livelihood in the near future. Dream of a pond with fish Here too, if you have a dream about a pond where fish appear, this is a very positive sign according to a dream dictionary. The fish have always symbolized abundance and blessing, so if fish appeared in the pool in a dream you can be calm. The more fish you have, the better. Dream of a big pool If you have a dream of a pool in large sizes, this indicates in very many cases, a situation of a certain difficulty that you understand that you need to overcome. Most of the time, you have already come to terms with the fact that there is a difficulty and maybe you are even in the process of dealing with it - hence the dream of the big pool. A dream about a dirty pool In the context of the previous section, a dream of a dirty pool, too, represents a certain difficulty. However, apparently the dream this time is the primary trigger for awareness. That is - you understand that there is a certain problem, and you probably also understand that it needs to be solved - but you have not yet taken the first step. Dream of a pool by the reception According to the Kabbalah, a dream about a pool represents good luck and abundance, but even beyond that. The dream may represent a situation in which we got into trouble - but we managed to get out of it with our hands on the top, and now our situation is even better than it was before. However keep in mind that dreams are a personal and personal matter, and the information that appears here is general, but one can turn to a professional dream interpreter to help.

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