I dreamt my husband impregnated a lady i know, and they came and told me (i was shocked about tgeir relation) but i was happy for them cz i cannot bring children. Then their other daughter was with them( around 9 yrs the age of my daughter was next to me and i hugged her sincerely (In reality i hv a girl and boy) January 08, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream, I entered a room where the moment I entered a room after talking with my friend on a call outside of my room, a person rapped in black cloth suddenly fell in front of me. I was shocked and suddenlt, that person stood up with some injury on my face. I asked him are you okay..and he said. Yes. I asked him do you need help. He said no and said no body cares but it would be good if i can bring a doctor. What does this dream mean? December 31, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I hear the sound of ghungroo at the place where I lived as a kid. I tell my mom I heard the sound of a ghungroo. As i look outside i see a little girl in red dress running around and playing but not looking at us. I tried to affectionately call her but words dont escape my mouth. Have a sense of shock as i see her and maybe some sort of fear caused the words to not come out of my mouth. As she leaves our vision I tell my mom that i heard it earlier that day and saw her earlier. She must be around 4 or 5, just about th age of my daughter whom i havrnt seen for a couple of months now. The visual out of the window was pitch black and all i could see was the girl run away from our side of the window, turn around and run back disappearing from our side of the window. March 19, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis