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I dreamt i was in an apartment

I dreamt i was in an apartment that was partially my kitchen at the seaside, partially some classroom and partially something unknown. My parents were away. It was night. There was a boy friend from my class with me and there was this black woman i liked really much. There was more people but they weren't valuable. I wore peanut butter shoes. All the other people died, including the black woman and my friend and I were the only ones left. We tried to sleep on the balcony but he got struck by lightning and fell fown and died. I screamed in shock and made a face. That lightning also ruined and fried my favorite wooden music box that my mom got me from Malaysia.

Hola. ¿Cómo estás? Soy Alberto del Departamento

Hola. ¿Cómo estás? Soy Alberto del Departamento de Prensa. Muchas gracias por atenderme. He pensado que podría interesarte cómo podemos hacer que tu empresa aparezca en más de 50 periódicos digitales como noticia (No será un anuncio) por una única cuota al mes sin permanencia. Las noticias no se borrarán Periódicos de gran autoridad mencionarán la web de tu empresa para lograr una mejor reputación y posicionamiento web. Este servicio incluye tanto la redacción de la noticia como el análisis de las palabras clave. Si pudieras proporcionarme un teléfono, me encantaría programar una llamada para hablar contigo, resolver cualquier duda sin compromiso y explicar cómo puedes disfrutar del *mes gratuito* sin permanencia. ¡Muchas gracias!

In my dream I was with someone

In my dream I was with someone i like dearly we went to my mum shop and he asked me to bring white colanut and his friend request for drink. I went to look for it. When I went to give them what they order they weren't there anymore and I ate the white colanut having the drink in my arm.

I was laying in a bed in

I was laying in a bed in my parents bedroom. I see impressions in my duvet as if someone was crimbling across it but nobody is there. It unnerves me for a breif moment and I sit up when my dad appears in the room and sits on the bed beside me. As he speaks I realize that it's Anubis speaking through him