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This is one of the most disturbing

This is one of the most disturbing and horrible dream I have ever seen in my life. I'm having a little discussion with my mom.. she was a bit depressed..because she has some money issues.. she was worrying about her money situation and talking with me about that. I actually told her we will see what we can do. My mom is working as a teacher in the dream.she was a teacher in rea life but now retired.but in the dream I saw that she is still working . She has not gone for the job from few days... She is so depressed than what she shows. I realised that Mom is having a critical situation in her mental health. That I have to inform this to my sister or someone in the family... My mom got ready to go to the job.. because she has not gone for the job for like few days she said she must go today..and got ready. But I could see that she don't want to go.but I told her don't stay today too.. you will lose the job as well.. then she left. Then some People came home.. like relatives or my friends..I can't remember. But I know these people really well . We had a little chit chat... And my sister and dad came too... I roughly explained to my sister about mom's situation..we all got distracted by talks. Then suddenly I noticed it's so late... That Mom should come home by now.. then I told everyone about what happened today... I just felt there is something wrong with the situation..then the people agreed to go and search for mom in the school .. because it's too late now. Then we left.. we searched in everywhere. But we couldn't find her... And we asked children who has stayed for late night classes that if they have seen her.. only one child has seen her .... And she told us which classroom.. and we went to look there.. adults told me not to come inside..so I waited outside ..they went to the classroom ..and they came with a very misarable face... They said mom has suicided.. I actually felt like I'm broken in to peices.. I couldn't bear it.. I cried out loud... And one of the people told me she had a letter in her hand. In this letter it says someone of her family like a brother who lives in abroad coming to see her... After this letter came to her hands she has got her depression more worse.. maybe her worry of money has gone worse after she got the letter... Because she can't treat them well because she doesn't have much money. But I understood that this happened because she was not feeling well. She was going through depression. I actually felt so sad and miserable. I cried out loud. I felt like my life is going to be over. How can I be without her.. ? Then I woke up and I realised ...it's a dream.. but still feel awful. Is this dream giving a prophecy or reflecting something of my own life?

I was in my favorite anime and

I was in my favorite anime and hiding from the villain as he was looking for me.An old couple came our way so he went to greet them but the lady disregarded and insulted him because her husband cheated on her.He took then away from the crowd and killed them. I was also with the lady as I was trying to console her. When I saw him killing them i tried to run away but he got me and was going to hurt me but I got saved by another character who slashed the villain but in the process I fell into a pool and started to drown since I did not know swimming. A strange girl with a teddy came to help me and as she reached me she started hitting the teddy saying it couldn't save me. She then extended her arm and in the process her fake nails hit against the platform making her annoyed.So I offered to get her and her friends an appointment for their nails. Suddenly the girl and her friens started stabbing whoever was not in their group and tried to follow me while a tried getting away. The villain laughed saying that he enjoyed killing.Some parts of this dream took place in my residence.

I saw my husband in a dream,

I saw my husband in a dream, with whom we are separating. I was looking at his photo hanging on the shelf and the shelf lids were moving.

Had a dream where i was about

Had a dream where i was about to play in a volleyball game here at our home gym. The theme the students were wearing neon orange, kind of like prisoners. I remember this random freshman i was talking to was stressed out about something but i don’t remember what, i don’t even know who she is in real life. Then i remember one of my teammates mom comforting this 10th grader something about her wearing the wrong mascara, she was crying and they were hugging.

The dream started off. I was at

The dream started off. I was at my house, but it was bigger like way bigger I was doing something upstairs I needed to go downstairs to get some thing so I went downstairs to the downstairs bathroom. So I went and got it as we’re going to the bathroom. Ama is talking to my mum and I looked at her and she looked at me and smiled. I got what I was looking for and I was finished getting ready and then I came back upstairs because I was done but when I came downstairs, Ama was in the music room playing the piano, so I want to talk to my cousin and my siblings. She came shortly after and we were talking. Somehow I ended up in my garage and it was so clean and big so it was my cousin Ama , Simien, and Simiya they’re all just conversing and chilling waiting for everyone to get out and get the fuck on somehow that lead Ama to go on a walk and come back with an injured bird. I’m a boy holding the bird in her arms, and it looks like an heron or a duck. I told her to place it somewhere comfy and that will look at it when we come back so she does just that and now we are finally leaving but something makes us go back inside to my brothers bathroom. Ama follows me and we hear a really good be coming from my brothers room. I ignore it and walk to the other way, but she was trying to look into it so she starts towards my brothers room and I start to push her the other way so we can get in the car and she was like “oh no” and I was like “come on ignore it in the car” as she’s pushing against me she’s sliding because she has socks on and I’m laughing because I’m strong as fuck and she’s way taller than me now everyone is outside my cousin sister, Nikengie is also out there talking to your friend with me and Amme walk out. She got from Nikengie up and proceed to the car for some reason Aunty Chelle and some woman from reality TV is there any sitting in the back I’m gonna get in the front passenger in my siblings make me sit in between the woman in my aunt I didn’t want to and I was like you always do this shit, and got in the bag and sat down my eyes started watering but I wasn’t sad. My aunt and the lady were like you don’t want to sit with us and I said no we started driving and then I woke up. I don’t know where my sister Sasha was or my dad.

It started out with a zombie apocalypse,

It started out with a zombie apocalypse, I didn’t see any zombies I just knew it. I’m out in the hot summer run in a lush green forest, looking for food and shelter. There’s a rustle behind me and I turn, hunter’s knife in hand and it’s an older man with a little kid hiding behind him. They look hungry, hungrier than me. I ask him why dosent he try out for our district’s competition. Sure it’s a zombie apocalypse but we still had a form of government. And this one held a competition twice a year for the common people to live in the capital if they won, runner ups get food. We travel to the compound where it’s being held. Like a metal auditorium, small and the steel is surprisingly not boiling hot. I trained the little girl in preparation for the competition, I’ve grown close with her and her dad. Revealing I had competed when I was 16 and won. But now I was living as an outsider. The compound soon fills with families also competing. We get sat next to a redhead family, I can tell something is off with the dad by the way he sighs as he watches his young twin daughter play. We fill out paperwork as the 13 or so judges come in and take their seats. I recognized a few but one knew me. He smiles and tilts his head in a respectful way. I turn away feeling my face go red. First is the kids spouting off facts about our government. Next to compete are the fathers. They’re made to kill zombies, the red head father almost died. A zombie aiming for his neck, I kicked it away from me and the girls and the guy I’m with kills it. The night ends, the judges leave but we are made to sleep on the steel benches and dirt floor. There’s a small lamp, I remember someone once telling me the capital uses these little lamps to signal for electricity. Turning it off is considered a crime. I’ve competed before, I know what comes the next day. I know I’m the only one awake, I turned it off to give me an extra leg up in tomorrow’s competition. Then it’s tomorrow, everyone wakes. No one notices the lamp. The judges come back, the one I know personally gives me a smile as he sits. I hear whispers. The capital holds this event twice a year because they’re struggling to keep people alive in their secluded area. It’s true. I used to live there so I know it is true. I say nothing, no one can know I competed before. I need to help the little girl and her father, they’re my friends. It’s time to complete. I look over at the tired red headed father and know immediately what he is thinking. I whisper to him, don’t kill yourself, your daughters and wife need you. He looks surprised, I shrug and get down from my seat and stand near his wife. There’s a song we are meant to sing but the tablet with the lyrics isn’t working. There’s no electricity, I made sure of that. I know the default song, it’s the district’s anthem. They have us sing it while they wrote our scores. I sing soft for the parts I know I won’t get right and belt out the parts I know I can nail. This is how I was taught to sing. By the judge that I know. He looks proud I remembered his teachings from when I was younger. I hold back a grimace. They give us our scores, we have to add them together. There’s comments left next to the scores. I notice the judge I know left me a x8. I can multiply my entire score by 8 to get the highest score and win. He leaves me a flirty compliment. The dream ends before I can get my final score.

My g/f died in a car accident.

My g/f died in a car accident. Not my real-life g/f but a stranger, resembling someone whom I was involved with many years ago. I was driving my car in bumper-to-bumper traffic - it seemed to be in the U.s. (I am living in Thailand and engaged to a Thai woman) and traffic was moving very slowly. I saw my g/f come rushing towards me, from the front,all joyful and happy. I yelled at her, or wanted to yell at her, to get the F' in the car, out of the dangerous traffic. Then she was gone. Run down. I got out out my car and looked for her on my knees, desparately hoping she was alive and making a drama.

So I was chilling neh then I

So I was chilling neh then I came across Jobe Bellingham and he was still wearing his old red Birmingham away shirt while resting after training for a while I saw that he removed the Birmingham city football club logo on the shirt but the Nike sponsor was still there ... I asked him about it and he said that he wanted to preserve some clothes for training but still not get sued for not wearing the right clothes that is the reason why he removed the logo. We talked and talked and I asked him if my breath was distinct or if he had gum . He asked what was wrong I told him someone was smoking and he offered me his deodorant spray asap and fixed my breath with sweet and then later he went to practice again and his family mark and Denise were about to arrive when he came quickly to fix my sexy short dress that he liked so much when we were together to be presentable and he fixed my appearance where it was leaking therefore after i met his parents and he was eyeing me like crazy that sexy eye look. Before his parents come he was turned on by my dress and outfit

A battle with 2 armies. I helped

A battle with 2 armies. I helped lead 1 army and wielded a sword and shield. My army was armoured men and women. Our opponents were magical monsters created by a witch in a tower using a magical orb. We had to fight our way through the army to get to the tower. Once we had destroyed the monster army, we confronted the witch in the tower. I goaded her with harsh jokes about her appearance into revealing herself. For some reason the jokes were all 20th century cultural references. Our army was uneasy about the references and did not quite understand them at first but quickly got onboard with them and started to laugh all at once. This infuriated the witch who reversed course and headed to the top of her tower again. The witch had a big hole in her face where her mouth and nose should be. When she revealed herslf a girl shot her magic orb away from her using a bow and arrow. I picked it up and began to destroy it. The fact was that unless I believed I could destroy the orb, then it could not be broken. And it did not break no matter how much i hit it and dashed it to the floor. Once I truly committed myself to destroying it, and beleieved i would destroy it, it shattered. Once it broke, my fist went all the way through it and the tower that the witch lived in began to crumble and the witch began to shrivel up and die. An orchestral symphonic piece of music began to play and once the tower had fallen it exploded.