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It's the second time having the same

It's the second time having the same dream except now there's an additional car infront of me. Both cars is driving down this slope that looks like a huge drain. The car infront is crashing here and there, pretty messed up. It's a very steep slope, my father is driving and he's worried and sad. We didn't crash much, instead he reversed all the way and we got back up safely.

I dreamt that i had signed a

I dreamt that i had signed a document that stated that I had to forfeit my children and also have an additional child. I didn't want to give up my children and when I did give birth to the required baby, they took it from me without me having the opportunity to see it. I later found out that the baby was alive and it was a baby boy. I was afraid to lose my children and for my husband to find out that we were going to have to give all the children up.