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So the dream starts out with me

So the dream starts out with me and my group of friends in some sort of hotel/apartment thing. My ex gf is also there who is part of our friend group (we both still have some feelings for each other). As I'm walking through the apartment/hotel room a kid who I don't know walks by telling me him and my ex gf are going downstairs so I'm like why not I'll come. We come to an elevator, but while we are waiting I notice something strange start to happen to my ex gf. She started to morph into a girl version of her ex bf before me who was a real douche bag, which understandably freaked me out a little bit. The dream then transferred to all of us on the elevator. FYI- me and 8 of my friends got stuck in an elevator at the Tropicana hotel in Atlantic City for 2 hours a week or 2 prior. Everybody seemed to know the deal, as if the elevator was going to drop. We all counted down 1, 2, 3, jump and we all jumped as the elevator plummeted down. When I jumped I also held onto a metal bar that was above me which kept me secure. Falling in the elevator created a huge sensation of adrenaline, like being on a rollercoster, but I was not scared just more of a rush. Somehow the elevator shot out of the shaft that it was falling and we hit the ground in a parking lot. After bouncing a couple times and a few big thuds we landed safely in a movie theater parking lot by my house. It was just me and my ex gf now and we walked off as if nothing happened. She then asked me if I wanted to go to some bullying seminar with her, I then said yes, all you had to do was ask and we started walking together. Everything I look up tells me that falling and descending elevators are negative dream symbols although the dream didn't end negatively and I was not scared during the free fall as if I knew already what to do. Any insight to the meaning s of these dream symbols would be greatly appreciated and if any more background knowledge is needed I'm happy to oblige.

I wanted to act or something. Model

I wanted to act or something. Model like white girl got in way moved me down to bottom. I went to tell on her. On my way back i get called. Its Jesse, Mr. Moore and some others. "Chauday how did it go...ooo..did she say when practice was?" I say "idk maybe 2 times out of 10 days" mr moore laughs "she we make her just for saying that" (push?) "U should always practice. Here" he hands me a flute. I try to play it but its clogged and something is sticking out. Edward appears. "What's this" i say "what do u think it is" he pulls it out to reveal a long pipe cleaner. I began to unclog all the gunc out of it and tried to play the first song i ever performed. Edward taking his time to show me. The background changes to a forest. And Edward to two new asain teachers. Im sitting in the same chair stuggling with the notes and slowly lifting my leg as if trying to march. I ask "how am i suppose to march like thi-" but before she answered i turned my leg into a perfect 90. The second teacher smiled at me and said very good then told me to stand up and march as i played as the first teacher continued to instruct my playing. I kept moving and playing until the background changed again "Chauday come on come on its suavemente" i look around realizing i was in a room now the flute was gone and two ppl were facing front at the screeb as it played suavemente. I took off my shoes and socks and began to follow the screen. After the dance i left the room to walk into another. Everyone is working around this table. This is when i noticed the window. The first deer burst threw the window and grabbed the ladies hair in his mouth. "Help me" she spoke. Ppl came to her rescue only for a fat half naked mad to come in to try and strangle her. Again ppl came to her need 'let her go' they said until he did. The man vanishes and everyone continues to work like nothing happened. I see the deer lurking in the window again. As if on repeat the lady walks by and the deer attacks again. "Help me" she says. Ppl come help only for the man to follow again "help me". 'Let her go' theyd say. And he would. And leave. They return working. "Chauday can u go untie the string in there please" someone instructs me. I walk inside the closet. Reached for the scissors and cut something. "Its in the back tied up..." Listening to the new instructions i know ive cut the wrong thing. I walk further down cut the right thing and head back "what happened to the power" i hear them say i return to the room but everyone is exactly where i left them. Stuck yet busily working. Only difference is now the room is lit by the now broken open window. The tree stands just outside of it like u could almost walk out unto it like a ledge. I see the deer, majestic and beautiful standing in the tree lurking. I see the lady walking by. Ik what was going to happen....

Washing my clothes and a friend came

Washing my clothes and a friend came in complaining about his stomach saying he can't take it no longer. He puts his in to wash. His dad is saying nothing just standing in the background. Then my husband came in and wanted me to scratch his dandruffs. I woke up

Some. End up being sensible, however, not

Some. End up being sensible, however, not away from: absolutely no REA books, where the background and science to master more and enhance your understanding. Along with understanding as the step to the particular cleverness and maturation. Salomon Speedcross 3 CS

I was sitting in a restraunt with

I was sitting in a restraunt with her, and she was my long lost twin. All of the sudden there were gunshots. The shooter was a young girl. Chloe and I slid under the table. The shooter tried to shoot me but just barely missed. She the began to unload her gun and drop the bullets onto the floor. Then she sang a song about how the shooter could no longer be her, but her twin brother, there would be another shooting and it would not be coincidental. While she sang the song i saw a sign that said D. Thoe Dylan. Soon a young boy showed up with a gun. When he saw me, he told me I would be the first to die. Then he shot me in the chest and on the arm, and I screamed. But the bullet that hit me in the chest wasnt even a bullet, it was a lighter. But the bullet that hit my arm didnt hit like a bullet, it cut my arm. Then the young boy left and my vision went blurry. All I could hear was Chloe screaming at me in the background, telling me to wake up.

Dream: My New love in my life

Dream: My New love in my life had the Dream.. He's 19, From Nigeria..and he's allowed himself to Love me like no one else I've ever known... Today he dreamed that he came to America, he got into a fight with my current spouse.. After the fight he saw me giving birth to 2 beautiful babies a boy name Mitchell & a girl name Michal, he said he then took me, the 2 new babies & my 2 daughters with him to Nigeria... While we were in Nigeria he saw me in a Red Gown.. He then saw My Pastor.. He said my Pastor called me & him on a Stage and said he wanted to reward us for being the Number one Givers Financially in ministry.. He gave us Rewards & he also said he had a Gift for us. Significant Life Events: Leaving a unhealthy relationship & embracing this new Love in my life. I have No Fears!! But I've been frustrated in this current marriage relationship Background: I'm 40. African American. I'm a Customer service Representative. I'm a Female Mental Illness Or Depression: No Location: I'm in America. I Indiana Feelings About People: With my current Spouse its awful.. I want to leave home immediately.. With the young man who had the dream I Love him very dearly.. My 2 Girls I Love them more than anything.. The 2 twin babies I don't know them... My Pastor is a very very special man to me Relationship Status: Married When And How Often: Thursday, May 12th. No not recurring dreamer47258 Dream Lover Posts: 1 Joined: May 12th, 2016, 11:50 am

I lost a baby roughly four months

I lost a baby roughly four months ago at five months and had to deliver vaginally. Just as background for this dream. Now in this dream I was traveling with some old friends just around our hometown with my current boyfriend who I also lost said baby with and all at once I look down at this water bottle I had gotten during the dream and there was a baby in it and it was as big as my daughter was when she died but it was a boy. On the way to somewhere I spoke to the child and it told me it was happy that I held him it made him warm. We ended up in the workplace of a friend who my old friends and I knew before he passed and some of his crazed coworkers tried to kill me and my baby in the bottle. I ran and hid the baby and went back to try and hurt the coworker or incapacitate him for trying to hurt my child. And when I returned to try to find the child it had been moved and it took me a minute to find and I found it with no water in it and the baby had died. At this point doctors showed up and my boyfriend ran from the car and just grabbed the baby and held it and told the doctors the time of death and I fell to my knees crying and that was the end

In my dream I am observing myself

In my dream I am observing myself at from a third person view. During my spectating I digress then progress as I go from being an elderly man in the future slowly trekking through my grand estate that is flooded with advanced technology. Next I turn into middle aged me running the chicago marathon. Thirdly I am in my early to mid 20’s and screaming and shouting as it appears I made some sort of discovery, then going out to celebrate at a party with many many friends and crazy college kids. Then it goes to infant me who is crawling at a brisk pace with a black nothingness background. Finally I see myself as a high school student and as I see myself walking away from school, I become no longer a spectator but a participant in the dream. I keep walking but now am headed to school. On my way there I am confronted by a man dressed in all black and smells so bad you can see it and he tries to rob me, but I fend him off and kill him. All of a sudden I am in a full out sprint towards school, and when I get there everybody is in the cafeteria yelling and crying. In attempt to get inside I discover that the doors are locked and I go to investigate why so. During my search I feel rumbling beneath my feet as a diverse herd of both rhinoceros and elephants stampede over the west field. As soon as I feel this I make a reroute for the herd that steers them away from campus except for one rhino and one elephant. After this scare there is another, as a bunch of angry assassins come towards our school. Headed straight for the cafeteria I think about going in but instead run to the schools medieval arsenal of bows, arrows, swords, and throwing knives. I grab as much as I and my recently obtained backpack, and head to the roof of the dining hall. I try to pick them off one by one at first with the arrows lighting some on fire and some not, but there are still twenty left as the cross over the road to the dining hall patio area. After doing so I grab my backpack and jump into a tree off the roof shooting four more guys with my green arrows. Then I create a mist of throwing knives as they begin to shoot at me. The knives got six more. With ten left I scampered out of the tree with five arrows penetrating my flesh from all over. I sprint to the rhino and elephant who are chilling near the basketball court to recover and get a drink of water. After doing so I go back to find the ten assassins had broken into the dining hall and had killed five teachers and holding everyone else hostage. I snuck in and acted as a student knowing they couldn’t have recognized me since I wasn’t wearing the hood or mask anymore. As I sat there pretending to share the fear and emotions of every other student, I selectively told people things were going to be alright and told a group of friends to go to a specific table towards the back corner. Then the assassins begin to threaten and attack students and teachers alike so I attempted to defend myself and others. In doing so I got shot two more times but took down six more guys. There was still four left. The four most deadly. Then there were sirens in the distant background, but it made the whole dining hall flash blue and red a couple times. Following this I realized the body count the assassins had totaled and instead of defending I attacked first. Surprised by my ability to dodge their arrows and attacks I punched one and kicked another. After this they all four focused on me as student after student escaped. During this confusion one of the assassins shot a student trying to escape and the twenty remaining stood still--frozen. Seeing it was a friend, I became angry, really really really angry. It felt like I was exploding with fire and then I started moving really fast. I defended against three more. Yet the anger didn’t subside and as I finally knocked the last guy onto the ground I stood calmed by the victory. With my anger subsided I stopped and then went over to the twenty remaining people who seemed to be heavily populated with attractive females and I carried them one by one out of the dining hall to safety. Afterwards, I avoided the cops and then rode away on a T-Rex with the rhino and elephant closely following carrying the girls to safety. Then I appeared upstairs in my house but it was black and the only thing I could move towards was the set of stairs that looked like they had no bottom. To satisfy my curiosity I jumped and then there was an explosion of white light and I woke up.