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Called ex about concert tickets. Shows up

Called ex about concert tickets. Shows up to where he’s at with Another ex’s sister at a Concert. Fell into the toilet in the bathroom. Some lady gave me a white wristband. Some other lady stole my shoe and I knocked her out. Tyler, Briana and I tried to run from the cops. They left me behind and locked the cage door. I ran circles in the cage while there was an animal in the cage after me while lights shown on me and I was being watched . Black I think. Started jumping the fence to get away but jumped it over and over and over a lot of times.

My animus arguing with a nurse or

My animus arguing with a nurse or nun and advocating for me as she ignores him and shuffles through files behind a counter

I was out on a trip with

I was out on a trip with my friends and we noticed an abandoned mountain area and we decided to go there. The jungle there was rumoured to have ghosts and we did encounter some wild animals. After a while I started running with speed and fell of a cliff

I had a dream that i was

I had a dream that i was at a carnival. and there was this clown there. He made me a balloon animal and then i walked away. then i came back to pay the clown and he turned evil and he had a knife. i cried and i ran and somehow he ended up in front of me and he killed me. i woke up in tears.

I dreamt of animals coming out of

I dreamt of animals coming out of water. There were elephant looking creatures that were hooked on the fishing lane and again there was few cows and men that came running out of the water.

I'm lying on my back and carving

I'm lying on my back and carving designs into the rafters in the attic. A woman (wife but not my wife) and starts complaining about how much time I spend working on the house and not her. She gets down on her knees to see what I'm doing and I stab her in her ear with a pencil. The ear cartilage. She grabs her ear and starts screaming. Rats come out and attack her. I stand up and walk out of the room. I'm now in a very small room with a table, phone book, and phone on the table. I exit that room and I'm at the top of a big and wide spiral staircase. All the walls are wood paneling and I have carved designs in every inch of the wood. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I see some lady I don't want to talk with sitting on my couch looking out the back windows of the living room. Behind her and the couch are a row of exotic animals, 2 lions, a gorilla, and a couple of tigers all in cages with steel bars and bulletproof glass. I climb up on top of the cages and open the gate to the two lions. They come out and attack the lady sitting on the couch. I then exit the front of the house and when I look up at the house, I realize it is actually a castle that I built by hand. I climb up the outside walls and through a window of the room with the table, phone book, and phone. I call for my driver to come to pick me up at the hardware store. When I hang up, I set the phone book on the floor and set it on fire.