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I have a lady whom hates me

I have a lady whom hates me at work, she has a shop nearby my shop, so I sow her in dream stand INFRONT of my shop in a short skirt and she put it up like she was naked and rub her hands on her body like she was doing spells , what doesn't it mean?

I went out with my aunt who

I went out with my aunt who doesn't know I loved someone who's in same city in reality but she's worried about me seeing my ex randomly and when I head back to home, he's 10m apart waiting for me with presents and sweets to give them back to me as if I gifted them but I have never gifted him and it's all rotten but i denied to take them back and unwilling to spend even seconds with him

I am single and yesterday night i

I am single and yesterday night i saw that I am at the stage giving birth to a child but labour pain is not occuring so a girl injected me for starting of pain what does it mean

I had a dream in this dream

I had a dream in this dream i was in school then it was time for me to leave,so when i started off i was in a blue car and my lecturer was the one driving me,then behind there was another car with my siblings in it Following me,so the road we were driving on was narrow,it required a lot of work to drive through the road,so what haooened was at some point the car just stopped moving then my lecturer left and said he is coming kanshi he went back to his office,in the road we were moving it was like a passage again because in the sides there were offices,so i came out of the car trying to find a way for how the car was going to pass and while i was doing that there was a guy passing so i called him and asked him to help me push the car but he started trying to flirt with me he was a humanizer so i got upset and chased him and i reported to the other girls he was flirting with,that's how the guy left in anger,so after he left the road became well to drive through and i went back up to call my lecturer so when i went to his office what he said was "my favorite student is here" then i told him that we can go now the car can move,so we went back to the car he continued driving and both the car that was behind with siblings in it was also able to move.so when we started leaving my lecturer told me to start calling my parents that they can come get me now aswel

My wife left the house without telling

My wife left the house without telling me her whereabouts. It got late like midnight. No sign of return. I got worried and thought of informing mother inlaw. But I did not. I locked the door so that she does not get access.

My friend my friend died. She was

My friend my friend died. She was hung or hung herself, and I seen her standing in front of me, asking me for help. What does it mean?