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Why i dreams about I am running

Why i dreams about I am running on the paddy rural high and I see a many brown horse pursuing me on the Over the field. And the lady of my lover giving a breast feed for a new baby. What is that mean?

Moving into a new house with a

Moving into a new house with a new boyfriend. House is in a bad state of disrepair, there is a cage in one of the rooms. I do not shasre his excitment and happiness at the move. It's very dark and rural.

I was bit by a dog in

I was bit by a dog in the sketchy downtown area and then the dog owner took a picture of me because i touched his dog and proceeded to follow me. After i was suddenly in a rural area, lost trying to find my way home and was chased by 5 boys just a few years older than me and they were trying to rape me

I dream t of a dream where

I dream t of a dream where I saw that I have gone to Puri,but the steps that I have used to reach my parents after I offered my prayers were dangerously narrow. I saw a sculpture of the garur pakshi on a pillar too. Then I felt that that my parents and myself (dressed like king-queen) were happily flying in a vehicle in air. I asked my mom about her peacock earrings, one of which was distorted, she told me that the peacock in the garden was ill. She also told that as soon as the peacock is well the earring will also become usual. Then I also remembered of a unusually big lake with a fountain in the middle of the lake. The lake was filled with white lotus. This lake I had seen in a previous dream also. I would also like to mention that I worship Lord Jagannath and had seen the dream in the very afternoon when I had disappointingly told my mom that Jagannath Dev never listens to me....... I was so unhappy that I went on to tell her that I don't believe that Jagannath Dev even exist (though I was very disappointed.)