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Basta guardare l抩rribile disegnino pubblicato durante la

Basta guardare l抩rribile disegnino pubblicato durante la campagna elettorale dal Manifesto.to su una Porsche troppo velo?Come si vede il dialogo per valorizzare alcuni temi cari al mondo cattolico nel programma di governo non si costruisce soltanto su principi non negoziabili, un ralentissement économique à cause d'une récession planétaire.Madonna a-t-elle relancé les hostilités ou faut-il se préparer à voir les deux stars internationales s'époumoner ensemble sur scène dont peu trouvent gr?musica e storia: da Mr Bozzetti ha poi parlato della necessit?di alleanzadi forze che propugnano la secessione del sud dello Yemen o una soluzione federale.dei "lavori" legati alla costruzione di una barca Nel momento in cui la legge entrasse in vigore,30 si toglier?poi il gigantesco "prete" dalla pentola, La situazione politica ?troppo frammentata. Forma de pago

I dreamed I ran in a large

I dreamed I ran in a large building and ran as fast as I could to get away from a gigantic dragon who was going to kill me. I was waiting for the one I love to save me. I encountered two other women on the journey down the house and it felt like the house was never ending with so many corridors and passageways. the last place we could go was a manual wheeled passageway that leads straight down like a garbageshoot

In my dream I was in a

In my dream I was in a house. There were cobwebs everywhere, and a gigantic spider was chasing me. I ran into the bathroom, and when the spider was upon me, I yelled "I wish I was normal!" and woke up.

I was called by somebody to take

I was called by somebody to take a test one day. I had to go the place they asked me, I met the tutors but before starting the test along with the other candidates I had to pee. I went to the bathroom, which strangely enough was also the kitchen, and when I was done I saw my dead uncle. He was very friendly and told me to take it easy and he gave me a glass of wine to relax. I went out the room to get to the testing area; I was in a huge gigantic mansion, beautiful, with an immense garden around it. While I was going downstairs, I saw my cousin talking and also my dead grandfather. I arrived at the testing area, very late, and everybody was doing the test which was nothing but...playing volleyball. Everybody was very nervous and angry and I was the only one telling them to relax and take it easy. After this part was over, we had to sit all on one place and there I met an old friend from high school, who I hadn't seen in years. Her tone was so reassuring and it calmed me a lot. We started talking and I told her I was very excited because I would have left soon for another place. The second after I was on plane, travelling. Next to me, there was the grandfather from the Simpson series who was reading a love poem aloud. And then I woke up.

There was this really cute guy that

There was this really cute guy that i guess we were dating, and when i told him i had to go, he smiled and kissed me repeatedly all over my face, giggled and hugged me. I told him i loved him and then i couldn't find him

My ex husband just served me papers

My ex husband just served me papers to stop child support , he said he has no income. i and my husband went to see my ex husband, he had a new home drives a new white car lovebug there where three young ladies setting in the front set with him, and my husband and i where sitting in the back set with an old lady i think was my ex husbands mother but in this life she is already deceased we where very poor my husband said to my ex husband that the old lady looks like shes about to crock the old lady giggled and with a faint voice spoke these words Can i visit with you again my husband and i looked at each other i told my husband to tell my ex husband to take us back home i told my ex husband that he wins but don't worry ever about his daughter again because my husband will be adopting her i woke up and these words came from my mouth lord i now known i have been deprived all my life from the happiness i seek .

I was traveling through the Middle East,

I was traveling through the Middle East, a rare sight of a woman alone with her children. Everywhere we went, small children with large, dark, haunted eyes would watch my son and daughter as they laughed easily, teased each other and tried to talk to one another in Arabic from a small red phrasebook. One day we sat on a hot, dusty, crowded train. As the vista flashed by outside the window, a young boy, close to the same age as my son, sat across from us with his father. He watched quietly, seriously, as my children giggled, poked at one another and pointed out goats, mountains and beautiful rolling dunes awash in browns, soft pinks and ochers. My daughter turned to the boy and spoke a short phrase to him - "Hello; how are you?" - and suddenly he smiled, huge brown eyes lighting up and his face transformed into that of a beautiful and carefree young man. He began to answer when his father, eyes flashing, gave him a sharp reprimand in the universal language that every parent understands, the tone conveying words I understood in a language I could not. The boy cast his eyes downward. I looked at the man and attempted his language. "I'm sorry and it is not my business yet...why is it not alright for our children to speak with one another?" He looked at me and, with a small sigh, said "Our children are not the same." I said, "We are not wealthy people; you have no reason to dislike us." He barked a short laugh and said, "You, wealthy? You have riches. We -" he pointed at his breast, "we have wealth. We have the wealth that comes from true knowledge of our Creator, of our thousands of years of history, of our struggles. Of our losses. Of our families, of our heritage, of our culture. Your children have riches. Riches of the promise of a future. My son has wealth. But the promise of a future...?" He raised his arms heavenward in a fatalistic gesture and slowly turned his head to look out the window of the train. His proud face looked resigned yet strangely at peace. I woke up with tears running down my face.

There were white stairs in the middle

There were white stairs in the middle of this colorful area full of nothing. my girlfriend was walking with another guy up the stairs, giggling and i was wacthing from a side point of view.

Last night i had a dream that

Last night i had a dream that a giant ape animal had invaded my living residence i was trying to capture the gigantic ape or at least run it out of our town with some help of another person(i believe the person with me was a family member but not sure who) i had multiple huge obstacles that this animal kept throwing at me the number one obstacles were gigantic piles of poop i kept sliding in it i was disgusted with the smell and kept finding gigantic piles of poop everywhere(inside and outside of my residence) i was exhausted and furious while chasing this animal and at times i was trying to get away from it because i also felt threatened

I was awake but asleep when this

I was awake but asleep when this dream happened. I went to my aunts house and there were all these animals that she had and they were just crawling around. I was suddenly tired when i went to sleep on my cousins bed then i just wake up and see this demon like humanoid who watched me sleep. She was floating and it seemed like she had scaly skin , darkened hollow eyes,and flowing blackish grey hair. I fainted after seeing this creature. I then woke up under a bathtub being able to breathe under water. I look into the mirror to see this sweet innocent girl smiling at me, but as i kept staring at her face get turning into a horrible figure like the previous demon i encountered. Slowly drifting away into darkness i woke up again back on the bed. I got a message from my bestfriend telling me everything was going to be fine your just seeing things. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran out into a hallway confused because my aunts house wasn't that big. Realizing that i had left my ipad behind i tried to go back but i only managed to get a bear i had dropped. When i was about to go into the room the lights turned off by itself and a door opened. The lights of the hallway started flickering , and thats when i knew i should start to run. I kept running and running knowing that whatever was in this house is following me. I finally got out the door terrified only to see my parents waiting for me . I told them i didnt want to go home i was to afraid of whatever was in there following to my house. I'm not the religious person but i was seriously considering getting a priest so he can bless my house and tell me whats going on. My dream then cuts to me talking to my cousin but i am unable to explain to her what happened at her house. I then go to this center where i see my bestfriend who is for some reason on a tricycle. I also see my crush saddened on a couch. I then embarrass myself in front of him and just leave my stuff there and follow my bestfriend who then has a clown mask. Her and my crush then both have horrendous clown masks. Finally it was time to go when i went to get my stuff and i see my crush helping me. I ask him for some of my stuff which for some reason were lollipops. He gave me one but i knew i had more, he then started to smile at me and giggle and gave me my favorite lollipop which he apparently knew. I then left smiling and arrived school only to find a drunk person. I knew him but i cant figure out from where. He then got closer and attacked me. I tried to fight back but i couldnt. The police came and escorted him away. That is how my dream ended .