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I was i taxi and when i

I was i taxi and when i reached my destination i said drop me here but the driver did not listen and i said second time loudly but again the driver did not listen then i become angry and shouted furiously at him then he dropped me in poor village(i think Africa) then when i tried to return to my home by my self some child told me that there are some african gangsters the way am going and when i tried to go the direction the taxi had followed but the road was muddy and was a river and then when i look to my feet am wearing some baby shoe that don't fit me then i asked the lady from the family if they can give me any shoe, but the lady said we don't have any but when i said i will pay i got a shoe that fitted me. then i thought i got two choices either i find the way back by myself using maps with the risk of gangsters finding me or asking black boy who is a member of thw family to show me the way with the risk of unknowingly handling me to gangsters. then i wake up

Two people, I think old more or

Two people, I think old more or else, try to assassinate me by pushing me down the stairs to my death? My mother tries to throw some kind of powder at them and she only succeeds in knocking down an old woman but she doesn't have time to throw at the old man and he pushed me and now I woke up with a headache terrible

Interpreting dreams Available 701 Satisfied customers Chat

Interpreting dreams Available 701 Satisfied customers Chat with a Dream Interpreter in minutes, 24/7 Talk to doctors, lawyers, vets, tech support & mechanics 12,000+ Experts from Appraisals to Zoology Pearl Wilson Pearl Wilson, Dream Interpreter's Assistant Welcome! How can I help with your dream interpretation question? You Hi. I dreamt I was in a kitchen and then this family (it felt like I knew them but also like I didn't) were leaving the house and I asked them to buy me a food I'll pay them back. When they came back the mother brought Burger King for me, she put the bag on the kitchen counter and said here's my food and that I don't need to give her money. I thanked her and she left. I don't remember if I ate the burger or not but I do remember opening it and seeing its contents, I also found another burger but didn't eat in case someone left it there for later. Fast forward I'm still in the kitchen but I'm with this dude I know in real life who I don't really like and I feel like he has feelings for me in real life and he always calls me his best friend. Anyways, I'm with him and his 2 friends in the kitchen. So his one friend is like do you like her, will you ask her out, etc probably thinking I can't hear them but I can. Then they left the kitchen and went outside to do something but I don't remember what, and I was left with the one friend. Once they left the kitchen I walked up to the other guy and we hugged in a boyfriend-girlfriend kind of way (I don't know this person in real life or in the dream but it felt like I knew him). Anyways he had his arms around my waist our bodies were touching and we were smiling, laughing and acting all lovey dovey like a cute happy couple; I won't lie real life me was actually happy, blushing and curious about the guy. We spke about how funny it was the other guys didn't know we were dating and how he thinks he has a chance with me, etc. Then we heard the other guys coming back and we quickly broke apart and then I woke up from my dream. I'm really curious about the meaning of my dream and why I'm so interested and curious about the guy I was getting cozy with and why my heart seems to beat faster as I think of him.

The first thing I remember from this

The first thing I remember from this dream is that the setting was just super bland. There was light, but I could not tell where it was coming from. Ash (the boy that I think is cute) and I were talking and I asked him to give me a piggyback ride, but before he gave me one I told him that I would be too heavy for him. He said no I wouldn't and told me to get on, so I did. We just walked around. I cannot remember where we were or anything, it was just blank. After walking around we ended up in a mansion house. I could hear Liz and Jamie Moore (we went to school with her in Salina) talking, but I never saw them. Ash was laying on the bed on his stomach watching tv and told me to come over and lay with him. So I laid directly on his back and I told him “I am crushing you aren't I?” So I started getting up and he grabbed my arm and pulled back on his back.

I was at an aquarium, and an

I was at an aquarium, and an employee was showing me the aquatic animals there, when, I felt super dizzy, because we were on a lift, and they were showing me the animals from above, so it would be easier for me to see them. Then, I lost my balance, and fell in the aquarium, when I lost consciousness, and passed out. Then, I woke up, and was in the hospital, when they told me that the reason that I had passed out was because of the height and, then, they said, there was nothing that they could figure out, so, they said that the only thing they could think of was that I was pregnant.

It started out with a zombie apocalypse,

It started out with a zombie apocalypse, I didn’t see any zombies I just knew it. I’m out in the hot summer run in a lush green forest, looking for food and shelter. There’s a rustle behind me and I turn, hunter’s knife in hand and it’s an older man with a little kid hiding behind him. They look hungry, hungrier than me. I ask him why dosent he try out for our district’s competition. Sure it’s a zombie apocalypse but we still had a form of government. And this one held a competition twice a year for the common people to live in the capital if they won, runner ups get food. We travel to the compound where it’s being held. Like a metal auditorium, small and the steel is surprisingly not boiling hot. I trained the little girl in preparation for the competition, I’ve grown close with her and her dad. Revealing I had competed when I was 16 and won. But now I was living as an outsider. The compound soon fills with families also competing. We get sat next to a redhead family, I can tell something is off with the dad by the way he sighs as he watches his young twin daughter play. We fill out paperwork as the 13 or so judges come in and take their seats. I recognized a few but one knew me. He smiles and tilts his head in a respectful way. I turn away feeling my face go red. First is the kids spouting off facts about our government. Next to compete are the fathers. They’re made to kill zombies, the red head father almost died. A zombie aiming for his neck, I kicked it away from me and the girls and the guy I’m with kills it. The night ends, the judges leave but we are made to sleep on the steel benches and dirt floor. There’s a small lamp, I remember someone once telling me the capital uses these little lamps to signal for electricity. Turning it off is considered a crime. I’ve competed before, I know what comes the next day. I know I’m the only one awake, I turned it off to give me an extra leg up in tomorrow’s competition. Then it’s tomorrow, everyone wakes. No one notices the lamp. The judges come back, the one I know personally gives me a smile as he sits. I hear whispers. The capital holds this event twice a year because they’re struggling to keep people alive in their secluded area. It’s true. I used to live there so I know it is true. I say nothing, no one can know I competed before. I need to help the little girl and her father, they’re my friends. It’s time to complete. I look over at the tired red headed father and know immediately what he is thinking. I whisper to him, don’t kill yourself, your daughters and wife need you. He looks surprised, I shrug and get down from my seat and stand near his wife. There’s a song we are meant to sing but the tablet with the lyrics isn’t working. There’s no electricity, I made sure of that. I know the default song, it’s the district’s anthem. They have us sing it while they wrote our scores. I sing soft for the parts I know I won’t get right and belt out the parts I know I can nail. This is how I was taught to sing. By the judge that I know. He looks proud I remembered his teachings from when I was younger. I hold back a grimace. They give us our scores, we have to add them together. There’s comments left next to the scores. I notice the judge I know left me a x8. I can multiply my entire score by 8 to get the highest score and win. He leaves me a flirty compliment. The dream ends before I can get my final score.

I was in a very crowded party

I was in a very crowded party with old friends and family having a couple drinks. Then i saw a rich friend who betrayed me in an expensive car carrying home his cousin. I walk outside to confront him while he was driving and i pointed to my head indicating a gun to his head. Instead he pointed a gun at me. His father was at this gathering so i decided to get a drink before i tell his father. On my way to meet his father the side parth with grass was collapsing while walking on it so i walked in the road then headed up a very small hill next to the bulding about less that 100 feet. There was a lot of people there aswell. Before i could find his father people where saying the king went under when the ground was collapsing and that he is dead. Then out of the collapsed rubble thats was about 25 feet down his head roled out and was speaking. The crowd gather at the top around the collapse area to watch. The king was speaking something but i didn't understand what he was saying. Then out of the collapse area where the king head was there was a crack. Out of that dark crack a hand covered in black silk cloth came out next to the kings head and moved around its fingers with yellow nails. Out of nowhere a shriveled body with a foot cut out was expunged from the black cloth. Then some unknown prays was being said loudly by the king fusing both the kings head and the shriveled body together. I understood the words being said in the prays but not the language. The body fused together like molten metal with no heat all while the kings head and the shriveled body chanted. The only thing i understood in the chant was at the end the fuse body said jai shree Krishna.

I was in a very crowded party

I was in a very crowded party with old friends and family having a couple drinks. Then i saw a rich friend who betrayed me in an expensive car carrying home his cousin. I walk outside to confront him while he was driving and i pointed to my head indicating a gun to his head. Instead he pointed a gun at me. His father was at this gathering so i decided to get a drink before i tell his father. On my way to meet his father the side parth with grass was collapsing while walking on it so i walked in the road then headed up a very small hill next to the bulding about less that 100 feet. There was a lot of people there aswell. Before i could find his father people where saying the king went under when the ground was collapsing and that he is dead. Then out of the collapsed rubble thats was about 25 feet down his head roled out and was speaking. The crowd gather at the top around the collapse area to watch. The king was speaking something but i didn't understand what he was saying. Then out of the collapse area where the king head was there was a crack. Out of that dark crack a hand covered in blavk silk cloth came out next to the kings head and moved around its fingers with yellow nails. Out of nowhere a shriveled body with a foot cut out was expunged from the black cloth. Then some unknow prays was being said loudly by the king fusing both the kings head and the shriveled body together. I understood thevwords being said in the prays but not the language. The body fused together like molten metal with no heat all while the kings head and the shriveled body chanted. The only thing i understood in the chant was at the end the fuse body said jai shree Krishna

I saw my mother telling me how

I saw my mother telling me how we have lots of places to visit. Then I remember visiting a man whom I have never seen in real life yet is was married to with a kid probably in my dream (I never saw it in the dream nor was it mentioned I think, I just knew). We had an amazing amazing time together, the most close I've ever been to anyone I loved, it was surreal, it was the purest purest love I've ever felt. During that time, it was mentioned that I also had a relationship with my recent broken up ex, probably because the boy was only my baby daddy?? Well, we talked around, and I asked if he wants to know about the boyfriend, and he frowned, and he answered no, it's not because I want to know about him, but...and he never finished. In the end I again heard my mother telling me we have plenty of places to go to, and then I woke up. When I woke up, I couldn't remember his face, though I could see it in my dream, he kind of reminded my of my ex, but not exactly, he was different.