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I was in a house that I

I was in a house that I really want to buy, in my dream I actually did own the house but I was waiting on the final paperwork so I could actually move in. The real estate agent gave me the keys early so I could go spend a little time in the house before the final paperwork, My mother who is deceasedl my great-grandmother that raised me who is deceased; my current signifcant other who is living; my daughter who is living and my grandson who is living were all there. Then my great-grandmother takes me on the porch and tells me she does not like my significant other and that I should not ever let him move in with me. I told her he was not going to be doing that, then I woke up.

Dreamed I moved back to my homestate

Dreamed I moved back to my homestate of florida with my ex boyfriend whom was my first love and took my kids with me because I just wasn't happy living with my husband anymore!