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My father in his 70s wants to

My father in his 70s wants to be a woman, no one except him wants this, during the operation they take his kidneys. My nan who died 20 years sgo is still alive and very worried about him. I feed her cats she never had cats. I use a scanner from a supermarket as a mobile phone

I had a dream where I was

I had a dream where I was somewhat lucid I couldn't gain control of the situation around me. I went through 3 environments. In the first one, I was in my school's sports uniform and my school team, I saw them having some sports competition with another random school. I did not participate. Rather, I was hanging out with a few unknown people. I met two children, presumably siblings as they looked alike. They were nice kids. I remember hastily asking them if I was in a lucid dream or not. They asked, "are we?? Well I'm not. I dont know." i attempted to ask a clever question, "how much do you know about my planet?? I'm from Saturn!" They couldn't reply to it with something I wanted. But I assumed i was lucid dreaming. Afterwards, a snowfall suddenly occured. It was unnaturally fast, and i saw the mountains behind collecting snow quickly.

I dreamt last night that I was

I dreamt last night that I was at the old house I lived at with my mother and sister but I was with my very close friend laying on the bed and we were eating something but I can't recall what it was,then the dreams skips to me and another close friend of mine fighting each other with knives but we didn't hurt each other with the knives,rather he managed to scratch me with his nails and I remember trying to sooth the scratches with a cloth.In he same dream I attended a weird gathering but in this gathering I was disguising myself because it was hosted by someone that did me wrong and I couldn't afford them seeing me there,I had a whole different name also but everyone else knew who I really was except the hostess,in the end the hostess finds out who Iam and I managed to excape the venue but ran like a monkey rather,with both my legs and hands,later me and the hostess had to sign an agreement,like a divorce,to stay out of each other's lives.I honestly don't know what this confusing dream means

I dreamt about somebody trying to give


I met a man, introduced to me

I met a man, introduced to me by a friend last night. The kind of guy im instantly attracted too. Strong stature, good looking, in command of himself, confident. The remainder details are unimportant because they are reflective of why i am drawn to him and this kind of guy. The dream, after a night out drinking. The first in a very long time. We were in a car together, he was driving. I sensed a snake under his seat almost like under the stuffing he was sitting on, like there was a damaged hole in the seat directly under him. He asked me to help him get rid of the snake while he continued to to drive but as i lifted the cushioning from between his legs it revealed a nest of baby snakes. I informed him and he asked me to get rid of them. So i poked them gently with a stick and one by one they all slithered off and disappeared. It was left that the immediate danger was over however the car would need to be cleaned to rid us completly of the snakes and to be safe. My interpretation of the dream. He has multiple sexual issues that need to be addressed gently and guided out of his life but he needs help with it. He wants to continue on his lifes journey without change or disruption but is wise enough to ask for assistance and completly trusts me to release those issues. There is heavy symbolism here. I did not look at any media or connection with snakes in a couple of days, possibly a week or more. And no nest of babys So nothing in my direct memory. It is clearly connected with this guy and his need and the dream seems more focused on his need to go on his personal journey without hinderance and hes asked me to assist him to do that. To what extent i travel with him isnt clear.

I dreamt I was in a house

I dreamt I was in a house with a guy who was trying to capture a snake, then I got close to try to help, understanding the snake was venomous, I avoided it's bite, later I realised I was immune to it, so I let it bite me which allowed me to capture it, it then turned into a beautiful dark woman and we had sex

That my family especially my uncle hurt

That my family especially my uncle hurt me and I was very down.. so my cuz said let's go out. So we were at a place that goes from one pub to another. The one qe couldn't get in. So my cousin Said wait here I'm coming. Then cyle said going to the loo. I waited 30 mins. Then went back to that club and I could see both of them inside and with women but getting it on. So I got a uber and left .... sent him a message to tell him I saw it and we got into a fight. I then wrote a letter to the family. Got drugs popped alot and then laid in the bath and cut my wrists. My cousin came home to say sorry and he found me kept the kids away and rushed me to hospital. Called cyle told him to which he realized what had really happened and rushed to see me. But as he got to the hospital I passed away.

I was walking on the rooftop of

I was walking on the rooftop of a school and had to walk a distance to get down. I noticed some students walking to the edge of the building and they stepped off the roof and plunged downwards. One of them was from my drama class at Haig Girls' called Mia. Curious, I looked over the roof and saw that there was a giant trampoline at the foot of the school right where they walked off the roof. I wanted to follow suit but was very afraid. A few girls stepped off the roof in the meantime Opposite this school building is a school called Teck Whye primary school. Suddenly, a flood came. I know it's because of the rain, but I don't remember if I could feel it. The water rose till it reached the roof.at the opposite school, the water had covered the entire roof except for the middle part. Someone came to me on her motorboat and I hitched a ride. : For some reason, after she'd sent me through the centre path of the opposite school roof, I found myself in a mystical but dusty room with many books and artefacts. I don't remember what 1 took, but before I knew it, I was back where I first started, with the flood still happening, holding some books and artefacts in my arms (in paper bags), just as quickly as it started, the water of the flood started to drain and the water levels dropped quickly. I stepped of the rooftop the way Is saw my students did and iwas enveloped by the murky green water I felt the water receding quickly and as I passed through branches very quickly, I landed on the trampoline which now looks like a crash mat. A lady and a man (who was in priest garbs ) met me at the crash mat. I showed them the artefacts and books I'd saved And the priest nodded at me. He told me to take The magick books and leave the rest behind. I asked about the paperbag of bronze people statues who looked like mother many and he said to leave those behind too. I was reluctant to do so, but did as he said and took the magick books.

I had a dream about getting married,about

I had a dream about getting married,about my wedding...the wedding was happening in my living room,while we were walking down the aisle everyone was kind of interrupting my thoughts,the dream cut off before we got married so we never actually got married because the wedding never finished