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I see my dead mom hugging me

I see my dead mom hugging me saying sorry for she did not tell the truth that she will gonna leave us soon.

I had a dream about my dance

I had a dream about my dance teacher and one of the student teachers. The student teacher was telling me off because I was wearing leggings which had a bit of blue on and they were meant to be all black, I said well chloe is wearing a purple top how come she is not getting shouted at. chloe butted in, I got angry and pushed this other girl megan over, she hit her her, I felt bad, felt like I was about to cry, but finished the dance class. I then went over on one of the rocking chairs and rocked to hard and it fell over and I hit my head then. I started crying, not because I hit my head, I was just feeling emotional, so then I went to the toilet, my dance teacher who was sat there when the student teacher was shouting at me , noticed I was gone for a while and knew I wasn't crying over hitting my head. so she came and forced the door of the toilet open and brought megan with her, she started asking me questions and I really wanted to tell her what was truthfully wrong (I have depression and struggle with self harm) so I asked megan to leave, I sort off got the point across to my dance teacher, then she left the toilet and that's where my dream ended.

Pure white room while my family sits

Pure white room while my family sits in a cirlce. I can see all of them i watch as each of my family members die in a brutal way each of them dies differently but I can't do anything but screen in silence

: "My dream started out with my

: "My dream started out with my daughter and I. We lived in Seattle. She was at school and i was out. The end of america was beginning and it was getting violent. It was like a blood bath. I ran and got my daughter out of school. We had to jump out a classroom window on the second story and climb down a tree to get out safe. My daughter was scared crying. I told her to be brave and that we will be alright. We started running avoiding people we saw on the streets. I found a car and started driving us away. It died quickly so we started running again. We eventually found a overpass where we could hide underneath.there was an area with a dozen trees all gatgered closely. There was also a tree on the other side of the wall underneath that was by itself. But someone else was in the tree in the next corner. He jumped down and walked over to us. I said I need somewhere for ny daughter to get rest. He said it was quiet around there and that we could use the lonely tree. We couldn't use the clumped up trees because they could set fire easy and I wouldnt see if anyone is getting near. He helped me get her up the lonely tree. I climbed up and held her until she stopped crying and slept. I watch people run through the underpass not seeing us. I was scared for our lives. The man shandd us a door to a underground tunnel the next day. He said it was brutal down there. But there was a food storage close to it but that was seperate. It was near the trees. We were able to eat and drink for a couple days. The man said he needs to go out and check the area. I told him we needed to get going. We were heading north to Canada to start again up there. That we needed to live. He said maybe one day we would see each other again. Tgen my daughter and i took off trying to find a train.

Herald beus yones dreams of the truth

Herald beus yones dreams of the truth of the truth is devine revelation in which God give His devine validation .But the lie as truth is just our imagination that brings our person devine humiliation.

I thought I was getting alcohol for

I thought I was getting alcohol for a friend but then I was in an insane asylum for no reason but I got confused on wether I was crazy and everyone in there was crazy or not. I had to do tests and people were trying to tell me the "truth"