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In real life I have a garden

In real life I have a garden beds for vegetables that I grow. I dreamed that my girlfriend removed all the plants from the garden bed and it was just only empty soil. I asked her in the dream why she would do this. But I don’t remember her reply when I woke up.

Rekindling a relationship that ended with you

Rekindling a relationship that ended with you emotionally distraught. Being fired from a job youve already moved on from. Falling. Swimming in the ocean with a calm waters n sensation of fun. Creating a civilization on a island and creating my dream man and getting together.

I dreamt my husband impregnated a lady

I dreamt my husband impregnated a lady i know, and they came and told me (i was shocked about tgeir relation) but i was happy for them cz i cannot bring children. Then their other daughter was with them( around 9 yrs the age of my daughter was next to me and i hugged her sincerely (In reality i hv a girl and boy)

In my dream, I was in some

In my dream, I was in some kind of library. There was a big window on my left side, and the sun light was very bright. I can understand it was morning. I am reading a book and find a poem in it. As I read, I realize that it is a poem that I've written. I find it very beatiful, the most beautiful poem I've ever written. Then I realize I am in a dream. I say to myself "I wish I can remember this poem when I wake up". But i couldn't remember it when I wake up.