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Cheating, Infidelity Dreams Dreaming of infidelity and

Cheating, Infidelity Dreams Dreaming of infidelity and cheating can be among the most disturbing of dreams. If it’s your partner who is cheating, you may waken with feelings of betrayal and heartache. If it’s you that is doing the cheating, you may be left with feelings of confusion. Keep in mind that most dreams are symbolic, and a dream of cheating on someone, or being cheated on, usually represents a deeper need that should be addressed. Are you the one cheating? You may want to ask yourself what it is that you need from your partner that you are not getting in real life. Are you uncomfortable asking for your needs to be met, or is your partner unwilling, or unable, to meet them? Is there a lack of connection between the two of you; do you feel you’re drifting apart? Do you feel that you are missing out on something, or are your responsibilities overwhelming you, leaving you little time to nurture yourself? Are you cheating with someone you know? Are they someone you have fantasized about in real life? Yes, this could just be a wish fulfillment dream, but sex in dreams most often represents a symbolic connection. What are the qualities of the person you are having sex with? Are they qualities you would like to embody? If you dream that you are having an affair with someone who is artistic and playful, it may mean that it’s time for you to embrace your artistic, playful side. Is your partner cheating? There may be a chance that you are intuitively picking up on something going on between you and your partner, but remember that most often dreams are symbolic, so dreaming your partner is cheating on you doesn’t necessarily mean they are being unfaithful. You may be feeling a disconnection that needs to be healed, or that your partner is being unsupportive. The feeling of betrayal may be an indicator that you are feeling a loss, or a lack of connection, in your own life. You may be insecure, or fear being abandoned. Adultery dreams are a sign that something is missing from the dreamer’s life. So often, in real life, when someone seeks to have an affair, it’s simply to avoid a problem they don’t want to deal with. Dreaming of adultery is a warning that an underlying problem needs to be addressed. Remember that dreams are often catalysts for the healing process. Be honest with yourself about both your relationship with your partner and yourself, and let the healing begin.

Gardens, uprooting vegetable plants, leeks, broccoli, lettuce,

Gardens, uprooting vegetable plants, leeks, broccoli, lettuce, new landlord, big changes, backhoe and driver, money, phonenumbers, red car, old friend, address, demolishing the front porch.uninvited entrance into the house, landlord acts like an animal, chair, black sweater being shaken about, table, sitting on the floor, friend goes to the store for a bag of dirt

I'm at an unknown families house when

I'm at an unknown families house when a fire starts. I called 911 but didn't know the address so gave the phone to a fam member for direction. I assumed the fire department was on the way while I attended to the fire but the dumb fam didn't know the address. a small fire took down the whole house. I was so upset we all went to dinner on dock pier... literally on the dock ramp... several of them lined up... the bartender flirty w me and made a good margarita.

I dreamt that I was trying to

I dreamt that I was trying to find an address and I started getting bit by black widows and I could feel them bite me but each time they bit me they died and I was fine.

I could see a collapsed lady in

I could see a collapsed lady in the house opposite but it wasn't where i currently live. One of the neighbours said that police had been and dealt with it which i thought was strange as she was still there. A while later another member of the house came out, they walked staright past the collapsed lady as if she wasn't there, and left the address. the lady then tried to get up, she had soiled herself and every time she tried to stand she fell again

I stabbed a stranger, I don’t remember

I stabbed a stranger, I don’t remember why but he was in our yard. I killed him and I felt it, I felt his blood splatter my face, the warmth as I stabbed and stabbed and ripped open his chest. My husband was with me, not stopping me nor helping, Just watching me. I dragged his body over the lawn of this beautiful house I do not live in but I sort of did you know? The grass was freshly cut and covered in dew, even though it was midday in summer, It wasn't hot. It wasn't cold enough for dew either. I put him in the garden shed, He was dead by now. I went along and cleaned the grass off, not with a hose but endless tissues as if it were fine carpet. My older sister, which I don't have comes home. Her husband and her kids all have no faces, Just black. Daughter 3, Brown curls and pigtails. Son unknown, I saw nothing. Husband roughly 40, Dark hair. My older sister was a short, stumpy fat blonde, I have seen her before, I know this because she had a face. My husband and I were in our room, Which looked more like the intensive care unit in the Mental Health section of the hospital, It was empty and dark but I knew it was white. My sister walked in she brought sudden light to the room and asked me how I was. I told her good but she wasn’t satisfied and continued to ask questions, but the one thing she didn’t ask about and that I was sure she would, was why there is blood all over me. Was this a normal look for me? I told her, I told her how I killed a man and he was in the back shed, No one particularly cared except my sister, not even the children. She was so shocked, she asked me for the weapon and I had forgotten what I had used. Turns out it was some old dagger with what looked to be a big chicken bone as the handle, strange. I ended up stabbing her to death after catching a glimpse of the weapon. No one was bothered by my second killing, I suppose she did look like a nagging twat. My husband was known for the bad things he had done in the past, He has a reputation around here, He killed a man with his own two hands, He went to jail and broke out, disappeared for ten years, Turns out he was on the other side of the world working in a kitchen, Not a regular kitchen. drugs. He spoke for the first time that day and simply said for me to “Stop it”. “There’s already two dead, what’s left to stop”? I said to him tauntingly “I’m calling the police and you aren't going anywhere”. He shouted I continued to explain how bad this could look for him also, I cut my arm with the weapon and smashed a beautiful vase across my head and proceeded to hug him transferring most of the blood and slipping the knife into his pocket. I pulled out the cell and dialed for the police, I told them my husband was trying to kill me and he was already killed two, gave them the address and hung up. I kissed him and walked out of the house laughing hysterically.

I dreamed of one tiger and 2

I dreamed of one tiger and 2 lions trying to get into my house. At times they would get in if a door was unlocked. They were threatening but never harmed me, I just wanted them out of the house. At times they would escape the back yard and I was always trying to keep them contained. I call the local zoo at 4:01 when they closed at 4:00 someone answered and gave me the number to a wild life sanctuary that could help me with my situation. When talking to the lady at the wildlife sanctuary she told me the reason that the cats keep coming back to my house is because the scent of our property is on the bottom of there paws. The lady told me to feed them, and keep them contained. She asked for my address and told me she was getting her team together and would be there shortley. I then threw out steaks to the lions that were in my back yard and gave the tiger alligator food that I over threw and it landed on the edge of the roof. The tiger was very eager to retrieve the food so when I opened the door the tiger propped himseld on my kitchen counter and the doorway so that he could retrieve his food. During this fiasco of the cats trying to get out of the back yard and into my house my neighbor next door was out with her black and white Shih Tzu, I immediately went out and told her to take her dog and go inside because it was dangerous. I know this dream is detailed and long but this dream in various versions is a recurring dream of mine and I have always wondered what it means.