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In real life I have a garden

In real life I have a garden beds for vegetables that I grow. I dreamed that my girlfriend removed all the plants from the garden bed and it was just only empty soil. I asked her in the dream why she would do this. But I don’t remember her reply when I woke up.

I saw that my maternal uncle was

I saw that my maternal uncle was working from home on his computer like everyday and my another uncle was there with me in the hall and after some time i tell him that there is someone in the room beside , then i see that there is a ghost that was going from one side of room to the another and then i told this to my uncle and told him to come and see this and when i was trying to see the ghost more closely he sees me and comes towards me and i ran till then he holded me and was trying to take me with him and i was saying to my uncle that i don't want to die please save me and i was saying this all while i was trying to hold my uncle's hand and one side of the bed in the hall

I dreamt buying clothes for my niece

I dreamt buying clothes for my niece and her mom I was so happy doing so then I came to show mom what i bought. Then I asked mom if I could go get myself some sweaters but she told me that I had enough already and I didn't need more. I was okay I didn't feel bad about it and I woke up

Someone give me recharge card in my

Someone give me recharge card in my dream of all networks that worth 5000naira but I told the person I need only MTN he told me to wait for him to select only MTN

I was walking in the wilderness, wondering

I was walking in the wilderness, wondering in the grass, heading up the hill. When I looked back, I saw my wife and children following me far behind. Behind them was a large and very dark forest. While I was watching, I saw them turning around and going back into the dark forest. I moved quickly, trying to stop them before they entered the forest, but they did anyway. When I got to the forest, I couldn't locate them at all because of the darkness.

I dremt of myself and some other

I dremt of myself and some other guys chasing a grasscutter but they got tired and stop and I continued to chase it and later started hitting it with stone but it didn't die and I woke up