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I was in my house looking out

I was in my house looking out the back door. There was an amazing sight. I ran and grabbed my phone to take a photograph but it could not take a wide enough picture. So I recorded a film instead. There was a gathering storm to the west. And suddenly a couple of my right neighbor trees caught on fire. It looked like the fire would spread to the garage. I called 911. An immigrant I could not understand answered. I could not understand what he said so I just told him to send a firetruck to my place. I hung up and yelled in anger. Then the rain arrived and it was super weird. It rained everywhere except our house. There was a clear barrier of rain. The tip of a pine tree next to the house did not receive rain so there was a clear oval demarcation where the tree did not receive rain. Then suddenly there was this sort of stable moving slowly toward the house. Like the ground was moving. My mom set fire to part of the garage before that.

I was in my house looking out

I was in my house looking out the back door. There was an amazing sight. I ran and grabbed my phone to take a photograph but it couldn't take a wide enough picture. So I recorded a film instead. There was a gathering storm to the west. And suddenly a couple of my right neighbor trees caught on fire. It looked like the fire would spread to the garage. I called 911. An immigrant I couldn't understand answered. I couldn't understand what he said so I just told him to send a firetruck to my place. I hung up and yelled in anger. Then the rain arrived and it was super weird. It rained everywhere except our house. There was a clear barrier of rain. The tip of a pine tree next to the house didn't receive rain so there was a clear oval demarcation where the tree didn't receive rain. Then suddenly there was this sort of stable moving slowly toward the house. Like the ground was moving. My mom set fire to part of the garage before that.

I was in my house looking out

I was in my house looking out the back door. There was an amazing sight. I ran and grabbed my phone to take a photograph but it couldn't take a wide enough picture. So I recorded a film instead. There was a gathering storm to the west. And suddenly a couple of my right neighbor's trees caught on fire. It looked like the fire would spread to the garage. I called 911. An immigrant I couldn't understand answered. I couldn't understand what he said so I just told him to send a firetruck to my place. I hung up and yelled in anger. Then the rain arrived and it was super weird. It rained everywhere except our house. There was a clear barrier of rain. The tip of a pine tree next to the house didn't receive rain so there was a clear oval demarcation where the tree didn't receive rain. Then suddenly there was this sort of stable moving slowly toward the house. Like the ground was moving. My mom set fire to part of the garage before that.

I was in my house looking out

I was in my house looking out the back door. There was an amazing sight. I ran and grabbed my phone to take a picture but it couldn't take a wide enough picture. So I recorded a video instead. There was a gathering storm to the west. And suddenly a couple of my right neighbor's trees caught on fire. It looked like the fire would spread to the garage. I called 911. An immigrant I couldn't understand answered. I couldn't understand what he said so I just told him to send a firetruck to my place. I hung up and yelled GODDAMN IMPORTS. Then the rain arrived and it was super weird. It rained everywhere except our house. There was a clear barrier of rain. The tip of a pine tree next to the house didn't receive rain so there was a clear oval demarcation where the tree didn't receive rain. Then suddenly there was this sort of stable moving slowly toward the house. Like the ground was moving. My mom set fire to part of the garage before that. Arson

Standing in my neighbours house that looked

Standing in my neighbours house that looked different, it had 4 story's and all wooden barriers letting you look into ever floor it also resembled a lighthouse and it was coated in a fluffy blanket with teddy bears on it

I am running through a neighborhood full

I am running through a neighborhood full of houses that all look the same. There is a really tall person following me with some type of weapon that he keeps hitting me on the back with. Everytime he hits me, my legs become slow, like the feeling of trying to run through water. As I run through the neighborhood, I knock on doors asking for help but no one answers in time so I must keep running. As I approach the last house on the block the door opens and its Barack Obama. He invites me inside, and I end up living with them.

I was in my grandmoms neighborhood and

I was in my grandmoms neighborhood and I was with a group of kids who were my age. One looked exactly like a kid from my Bustop before I met him, one was very tall, one was shorter than the rest of us but not tiny, and there was a blond girl. We all left one by one until it was me and the tall kid. We had to lug a heavy washing machine to his house. He had a really low front porch and he ducked under it to get through. I hit my head on the top. His mom came out through the door (which was glass) and asked me to come in. Then I woke up.

I looked out thr window and saw

I looked out thr window and saw a gigantic, sliced up octopus still moving all of the body parts as if it was still alive. I walked to a neighbor's backyard with a friend and slowly opened the side gate to see an alligator sleeping on it's side. It woke up, started to slowly walk towards us before we quickly locked the gate up again

My neighbor started shooting up our apartment

My neighbor started shooting up our apartment and my and my boyfriend grabbed our daughters went to the floor and covered over them so they wouldn't get shot then the neighbor broke in