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My parent take me to the beach

My parent take me to the beach in the evening, but end up stop at restaurants area, and i bought gyro. I wore black fur jacket with me.

It's 1 am I think my mom

It's 1 am I think my mom woke Me up and I have more time to sleep I was somewhere with my family and some people from school. A stranger and I fell in a hole. We find a cave with a room that looks like it's from Alice in wonderland. We get out somehow and then I'm standing in line with my family for a restaurant and a basketball team is there. We go in and my dad pays for 3 people. My mom leaves. It ends with me eating a small plate of macaroni.

I am a Taurus. I dreamt that

I am a Taurus. I dreamt that my partner, a gemini, invited loads of people to the house including children. I was in my night clothes and they seem to have invaded my space. I was not happy in the dream. I then found myself outside wandering around still in my nightclothes.

I dreamt that my sister and I

I dreamt that my sister and I were on a road trip. We stopped to have dinner and we ended up leaving because the food was horrible. When we left from the restaurant, we left with a baby that apparently was not my sister’s son. In my dream I thought it was my nephew and we didn't realize it until we were pulled over by a police officer saying we had kidnapped the child that we had

I dreamt that my sister and I

I dreamt that my sister and I were on a road trip. We stopped to have dinner and when we left from the restaurant, we left with a baby that apparently was not my sister’s son. In my dream we thought it was my nephew and we didn't realize it until we made another stop at a store and there were cops waiting for us saying we kidnapped the child.

I dreamt that I was in a

I dreamt that I was in a strange new restaurant. I didn't know why at the time, but this place made me feel very uneasy. So I went to the bathroom, and I guess the stall had a mirror in it and these three demons were standing behind me. But when I turned around, they had disappeared and popped up in a different place in the bathroom. So my instincts where to immediately fight back with the plunger and run and scream for help. (Someone had to hear me yell for help, right?) As soon as I got out of the bathroom, the restaurant changed to an old scary restaurant from my nightmares as a child. I don't remember why this place was so scary.. food makes me most happy... please help me figure out what this means.. I cant sleep picturing those demons.

We, Brian and I, were like in

We, Brian and I, were like in a downtown area of a town or city. We met up kind of like on a date. We were at a restaurant eating some Asian food or something, I remember him getting seafood or something. Anyway, somehow we got separated at the restaurant by other people. They started sitting between us and we just got separated. First just at the restaurant and then completely in the area. There was then something about a bus and me traveling with these people to some place. But later in the dream (when I don’t know) he and I met back up and he took me by the hand and walked with me, holding my hand the whole time so we would not get separated or lose each other again. He hugged me and he whispered, “I love you” in my ear. I don’t remember in the dream if I had a chance right then to say it back immediately to him, or if I just looked at him and said it back to him a little later. I might have looked at him in disbelief and not said it yet. I really am blurry on that part. But I do know I did say it back to him soon after, telling him “I love you, too.” I was very happy he told me that and we seemed happy together. He was happy I said it too to him. There was also something about school. I was all happy that we finally got to attend school together in the same place…almost like senior year in high school or something, but I was missing my last several classes of the day and I wanted to know if we had any classes together, me and him. I was just happy we got to go the same school finally as we hadn’t before and I was so happy to be with him more often. Then there was also something in the dream like I was over at his mom’s house and I finally got to meet her. And she liked me. And I had a bunch of my spiritual stuff with me (wands, cards, crystals, etc.) all kind of laid out and they seem interested in it. And there was something about beautiful boxes somewhere (like back at a mall or something) and we, me and whomever I was with, got to pick out one box or gift bag and there were special surprises in these boxes. I picked a pretty one that looked like a similar floral pattern I thought I had in another box at home. The box I picked was a taller square box that had a purplish floral pattern on it. I awoke before I opened the box to see what my surprise was. It seemed like something of value though.

Blood. car. restaurant. lesbian. field. fence. football.

Blood. car. restaurant. lesbian. field. fence. football. shirtless / topless. night. dark. kissing. architecture. church. bus. wrecking ball. escape. broken window. glass. upside down. crash. voodoo. dresses. pulled over. cop / police. city. metropolitan. vampire. black hair. friend. judgemental. hair. wig. asian / chinese. staring. inaccessible. drive through. irrational.. passenger.