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It was a normal schoolday. I go

It was a normal schoolday. I go home and go to bed. I wake up in a gas station bathroom helping Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, and Derek fight the Dread Doctors. Then I'm helping Damon, Stefan, and ,Bonnie bring Elena back to life.

I was walking through a fancy party

I was walking through a fancy party with my family, and I split from them to take pictures of the party, then I saw a man I know and yelled at him to get his attention, he waved his hand for me to come over, i ran up to hug him and he fell over, I grabbed him asking if he was ok, and he smiled saying "this is what you've done to me"

I at first saw this snake in

I at first saw this snake in my messy house- it was black with yellow stripes and it was moving from underneath some newspapers i then saw it again in my front yard underneath some leaves and jumped back scared then ordered someone to come get it then i was walking in my backyard and i happened to pick up something on the ground when i lifted it up it was the same snake- but now bigger and longer and it started showing its fangs at me as i was holding on to its tail after it showed its fangs at me i threw it down jumped back and then i woke up scared

I was at Disneyland visiting my friend

I was at Disneyland visiting my friend who had a summer job as a onsite nurse. And this boy in my year was dressed as sleeping beauty and that was his job. So we were fixing this parade float and we get called to an emergency at a ride. There was a shooting with poison darts and people queuing up to the ride had been hit, including the princess guy. also so we walked past them all as the people at the back had been worst hit. Near the back was my ex - boyfriend. And I walked past him to try not to make contact. but me and my friend had to split up to deal with everyone. she left me with the casualties to try and find out what happened. and she went up to the princess boy and he said it was a bear. then he died in her arms. so my ex-boyfriend comes up to me to get help and he is bleeping from were he was hit and he is screaming and crying in pain. so I pick him up and carry him to the hospital nearby while he sucks my cheek for comfort from the pain. so we get to the hospital and they take him to the operating room and gave him anaesthetic. But he was poisoned and the doctors told me I needed to suck his blood to save him from the poison. But I was like I'm not a vampire so they gave me fake fangs and I put they on. so they I had to suck his blood to remove the poison. Then I was sitting by his hospital bed and he woke up and he was ok.

A boy that I fancy was standing

A boy that I fancy was standing at the side while I was walking to class he held my hand and pulled me towards him then he kissed me I saw everyone looking and smiling then they left I carried on kissing him until it started raining so we went under this plastic sheet then ran to my locker but I saw my best guy friend and he ran away from me

Dans mon reve on a été poursuivi

Dans mon reve on a été poursuivi par des enfants et des gens dans une voiture alors que nous étions aller visiter un detenu qui était hors du pays et très loin de son lieu de detention