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I am early on in a pregnancy Dreams Interpretation Online - Understand My Dreams

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Interpretation of your dream:

I am early on in a pregnancy and I am standing and rubbing my slightly bulged belly as I wonder what they will look like and if its a girl or a boy.

What is the meaning of I am early on in a pregnancy In a dream

What does it means I am early on in a pregnancy In a dream ? - Dream meaning


Health and joy. Beware of untrue friends. Health and joy. Beware of untrue friends. It is bad to dream of seeing a swollen mortifying belly, it indicates desperate sickness. To see anything moving on the belly, prognosticates humiliation and hard labor. To see a healthy belly, denotes insane desires. See Abdomen.

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Young power developing. Increase in the family. Young power developing. Increase in the family.

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Learning to be receptive. Happiness and tranquility.

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New life.Creative. Inventive. Prepared to produce something. For a woman to dream that she is pregnant, denotes she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin, this dream omens scandal and adversity. If a woman is really pregnant and has this dream, it prognosticates a safe delivery and swift recovery of strength.

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To dream you are making your will, is significant of momentous trials and speculations. For a wife or any one to think a will is against them, portends that they will have disputes and disorderly proceedings to combat in some event soon to transpire. If you fail to prove a will, you are in danger of libelous slander. To lose one is unfortunate for your business. To destroy one, warns you that you are about to be a party to treachery and deceit.

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Jonas Song Well known dream interpreter
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Dani Lovekind Mistican and dream analysis expert
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Gal Faitelson Soul connection to deepmind dream understanding
Gal Faitelson

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