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I dream that I was in a space ship that was starch white and I had on starch white garment an everything about the ship inside was pure white so I looked in the mirror and as I look at my flesh I see my skin which is brown but because the ship and my clothes are so starch which I could only see my face and hands brown and as I look out of the window I was sort of slowing moving over the top of all most like a forest but the trees where begging to change colors, I remember seeing the color orange, brown goal purple-dark and the surround trees green but what I didn't understand is even through I am in the space ship there no noise I didn't here a sound.

What is the meaning of I dream that I was in a In a dream

What does it means I dream that I was in a In a dream ? - Dream meaning


Misfortune within the family. Will receive a legacy. Misfortune within the family. Will receive a legacy.

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This is an auspicious color to dream about:signifies freedom, success, money and happy and long-lasting union. The earth. Worldliness. The earth. Worldliness.

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To dream of seeing clothes soiled and torn, denotes that deceit will be practised to your harm. Beware of friendly dealings with strangers. For a woman to dream that her clothing is soiled or torn, her virtue will be dragged in the mire if she is not careful of her associates. Clean new clothes, denotes prosperity. To dream that you have plenty, or an assortment of clothes, is a doubtful omen; you may want the necessaries of life. To a young person, this dream denotes unsatisfied hopes and disappointments. See Apparel.

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Identity. Ego. Self-image. This dream denotes displeasure with yourself and warnings of someone working secretly against you. Dreaming of your face represents your willingness to deal with problems in your personal life. It signifies your true persona versus the one you choose to show. Dreaming of your face represents your willingness to deal with problems in your personal life. It signifies your true persona versus the one you choose to show. This dream is favorable if you see happy and bright faces, but significant of trouble if they are disfigured, ugly, or frowning on you. To a young person, an ugly face foretells lovers' quarrels; or for a lover to see the face of his sweetheart looking old, denotes separation and the breaking up of happy associations. To see a strange and weird-looking face, denotes that enemies and misfortunes surround you. To dream of seeing your own face, denotes unhappiness; and to the married, threats of divorce will be made. To see your face in a mirror, denotes displeasure with yourself for not being able to carry out plans for self-advancement. You will also lose the esteem of friends.

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Natural forces. Social activities of a happy nature. Ready to explore. To dream that you find yourself in a dense forest, denotes loss in trade, unhappy home influences and quarrels among families. If you are cold and feel hungry, you will be forced to make a long journey to settle some unpleasant affair. To see a forest of stately trees in foliage, denotes prosperity and pleasures. To literary people, this dream foretells fame and much appreciation from the public. A young lady relates the following dream and its fulfilment: ``I was in a strange forest of what appeared to be cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them. The ground was covered with blasted leaves, and I could hear them crackle under my feet as I wandered about lost. The next afternoon I received a telegram announcing the death of a dear cousin.''

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Growth and serenity. There are projects which you are enthusiastic about. Great pleasures from simple things.

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dreaming on hands holding you means the dream is real and will fulfill itself. dreaming on hands with coins means you have done something wrong and you want to be good again.

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Virtual image. Reflection. Identity. A true picture of something else.. An obvious symbol that many define as meaning reflection and self-study, the mirror can also signify self-absorption, vanity, or an attempt at understanding the self. Another way to look at the mirror is to see it as a portal to other selves - past, future, or other present selves. An obvious symbol that many define as meaning reflection and self-study, the mirror can also signify self-absorption, vanity, or an attempt at understanding the self. Another way to look at the mirror is to see it as a portal to other selves - past, future, or other present selves. To dream of seeing yourself in a mirror, denotes that you will meet many discouraging issues, and sickness will cause you distress and loss in fortune. To see a broken mirror, foretells the sudden or violent death of some one related to you. To see others in a mirror, denotes that others will act unfairly towards you to promote their own interests. To see animals in a mirror, denotes disappointment and loss in fortune. For a young woman to break a mirror, foretells unfortunate friendships and an unhappy marriage. To see her lover in a mirror looking pale and careworn, denotes death or a broken engagement. If he seems happy, a slight estrangement will arise, but it will be of short duration. See Glass.

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Change. New start. Ready to leave something behind.

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If you hear a strange noise in your dream, unfavorable news is presaged. If the noise awakes you, there will be a sudden change in your affairs.

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The color orange in dreams indicates passion in every aspect of your life.

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To dream of ships, foretells honor and unexpected elevation to ranks above your mode of life. To hear of a shipwreck is ominous of a disastrous turn in affairs. Your female friends will betray you. To lose your life in one, denotes that you will have an exceeding close call on your life or honor. To see a ship on her way through a tempestuous storm, foretells that you will be unfortunate in business transactions, and you will be perplexed to find means of hiding some intrigue from the public, as your partner in the affair will threaten you with betrayal. To see others shipwrecked, you will seek in vain to shelter some friend from disgrace and insolvency.

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This dream is related with sensitivity. Keep calm and think carefully before you make any major decisions.

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Seeing space in a dream, dreaming of space as in outer space is the meaning of emptiness in our soul. Where do we go from now on ? - the dream is trying to alert us from the places where we might be lost in. The space is really a cold dark place going forever. Space in dream symbolize being lost and searching for a source of light.

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To dream of trees in new foliage, foretells a happy consummation of hopes and desires. Dead trees signal sorrow and loss. To climb a tree is a sign of swift elevation and preferment. To cut one down, or pull it up by the roots, denotes that you will waste your energies and wealth foolishly. To see green tress newly felled, portends unhappiness coming unexpectedly upon scenes of enjoyment, or prosperity. See Forest.

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People feel they can rely on you. You have an abundance of energy and vitality. Signifies an oncoming death, or the protection of a living being. Signifies an oncoming death, or the protection of a living being.

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Opening. Opportunity. Feelings of being watched.Need for privacy. To see windows in your dreams, is an augury of fateful culmination to bright hopes. You will see your fairest wish go down in despair. Fruitless endeavors will be your portion. To see closed windows is a representation of desertion. If they are broken, you will be hounded by miserable suspicions of disloyalty from those you love. To sit in a window, denotes that you will be the victim of folly. To enter a house through a window, denotes that you will be found out while using dishonorable means to consummate a seemingly honorable purpose. To escape by one, indicates that you will fall into a trouble whose toils will hold you unmercifully close. To look through a window when passing and strange objects appear, foretells that you will fail in your chosen avocation and lose the respect for which you risked health and contentment.

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Jonas Song Well known dream interpreter
Jonas Song
Dani Lovekind Mistican and dream analysis expert
Dani Lovekind
Gal Faitelson Soul connection to deepmind dream understanding
Gal Faitelson

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