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I dreamt i was a bridesmaid at an unknown wedding

What is the meaning of I dreamt i was a bridesmaid at In a dream

What does it means I dreamt i was a bridesmaid at In a dream ? - Dream meaning


To dream of meeting unknown persons, foretells change for good, or bad as the person is good looking, or ugly, or deformed. To feel that you are unknown, denotes that strange things will cast a shadow of ill luck over you. See Mystery.

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Commitment. Union. Feeling close to someone. To attend a wedding in your dream, you will speedily find that there is approaching you an occasion which will cause you bitterness and delayed success. For a young woman to dream that her wedding is a secret is decidedly unfavorable to character. It imports her probable downfall. If she contracts a worldly, or approved marriage, signifies she will rise in the estimation of those about her, and anticipated promises and joys will not be withheld. If she thinks in her dream that there are parental objections, she will find that her engagement will create dissatisfaction among her relatives. For her to dream her lover weds another, foretells that she will be distressed with needless fears, as her lover will faithfully carry out his promises. For a person to dream of being wedded, is a sad augury, as death will only be eluded by a miracle. If the wedding is a gay one and there are no ashen, pale-faced or black-robed ministers enjoining solemn vows, the reverses may be expected. For a young woman to dream that she sees some one at her wedding dressed in mourning, denotes she will only have unhappiness in her married life. If at another's wedding, she will be grieved over the unfavorable fortune of some relative or friend. She may experience displeasure or illness where she expected happiness and health. The pleasure trips of others or her own, after this dream, may be greatly disturbed by unpleasant intrusions or surprises. See Marriage and Bride

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